Chapter 53

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When the omega was clean and back to smelling more like his omega self, Jimin helped him out of the tub, dried him off, and then into some clothes he had picked for the boy. Offering him a quick peck on the lips, Jimin wrapped his arms around Jungkook to pull him close and ensure he was warm and cozy after his bath.

"I'm glad you had a good rut and heat with Namjoon. I think all of us are hoping ours will line up with yours before long. I have to be honest, you smelled delicious and it was hard for all of us to stay away."

The omega blushed at the words but didn't really have time to respond before Jimin was pulling him downstairs to join the rest of the pack. They had so many ideas of how they wanted to spend time with the boy now that they were back in the comfort of their own home. Going to the pool, transitioning to their wolf forms to go for a long run and play in fading sunlight. A starlit swim in the pool. At the end they decided they would simply have dinner and a movie.

Jungkook was offered the option to choose the film but had a hard time deciding. Hobi kissed the omega's forehead and whispered to him, "would you rather someone else pick?" Letting the boy pick the movie was supposed to be a treat, not torture for the pup.

Jungkook shyly nodded his head. In his mind he knew he was less excited about the movie than the opportunity to build a big blanket nest in their movie room and have all the alphas cuddle around him. Now that he reflected back he really had missed the community of the full pack.

First it was time for dinner. Namjoon and Jungkook had barely eaten over the last few days and Jin was endlessly fretting over the omega's need to strengthen his body with some good nutritious food. He pulled the omega onto his lap as soon as they were ready to sit down for dinner, wanting to ensure he personally monitored how much their little one ate. He had promised himself he wouldn't let the omega go until he was satisfied he'd eaten enough.

As soon as Jungkook saw the large plate the alpha set in front of him he knew they would be there for a while. It looked like it was almost an alpha sized portion. He usually only ate maybe a third as much as his alpha packmates.

Jin sensed his discomfort and gently carded his fingers through the boy's hair. "Just eat as much as you can, try for at least half. You really haven't had enough to eat. I talked to Namjoon and he admitted that he was so distracted by other things that he may have forgotten to feed you."

Namjoon was now the one blushing, lowering his head in embarrassment as Jin continued to glare at him across the table.

"Namjoon took good care of me." Jungkook immediately leapt to his defense. "He really did."

"I know sweetheart, but you really do need to get some calories in you to keep your energy up. We'll just fix it now."

Jungkook slowly began to eat the food on his plate. He'd pick up small bits on his fork or spoon to eat. If he hesitated too long between nibbles Jin would take matters into his own hands, feeding the omega off his own fork to ensure he kept going.

The pack patiently waited for the omega to finish his meal. Jin eventually abandoning hope that Jungkook would eat anymore when the omega began to whine and then turned to curl up on the alpha's lap, face buried into his chest.

"Ok, baby boy, you did a good job. Why don't we go watch that movie now, huh?"

Jungkook lightly nodded his head into the alpha's chest and then felt arms pick him up to carry him to the movie room. Digesting all of the food made him tired and he was more excited than ever to cuddle his packmates.

The pack quickly settled in, filling in every space around the omega on the couch.

In his mind Jungkook had only one goal for the night even though he was too shy to say it out loud. He wanted to be scented by every member of the pack, basking in the scent of all of his alphas, feeling fully claimed while reveling in their attention.

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