Akaza the wingman

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Akaza helps Muzan talk to Kokushibo 

Theme: Fluff 

Au: Normal ig but pretend the wedding from the first chapter didn't happen.. so ig it's normal au but an alternate timeline?? 

Setting: Infinity fortress, 200 ish years ago (idk when Nakime became a demon so let's just say a bit before Akaza? For plot convivence.) 



Muzan and Kokushibo had an.. intresting relationship. The two were both clearly in love with each other, they've been doing "couple activities" since Kokushibo became a demon, and they get along really, really, well. However, the problem lies with Kokushibo's perception of their relationship. He believes that doing these activities with Muzan is just a duty of his. He doesn't think Muzan likes him back. 

Kokushibo has been 'cursed' with obliviousness. Extreme obliviousness. Muzan has tried confessing and explaining to him multiple times, but it just flies over Kokushibo's head. He loves Muzan, of course, but as mentioned before he believes that his feelings are one sided. 

Muzan has been patient with Kokushibo, but he believes that this misunderstanding has gone on for far too long. So, Muzan decided to enlist the help of his second favorite demon: Akaza. 

"Nakime. Bring Akaza to me." Muzan ordered. Akaza was then in Muzan's office almost instantly. Once he realized where he was, he bowed down. "Akaza." Muzan started, "I am going to enlist you to a very important and top secret mission. You are only ever to speak about this with me if I ever give you permission. Do you understand?" 

"Yes." Akaza nodded. He believed that Muzan was about to send him to eliminate some important target or something. Little did he know.. 

"Then sit down. This may take a while.." Muzan gestured to the chair across from the one he was sitting in as he moved around some of his experiments to allow them to see each other's faces. Akaza was surprised at this, he didn't expect Muzan to let him sit in a place that seemed so informal compared to their previous encounters, but he still followed his orders. 

"So.." Muzan took a deep breath. "You know of your superior, Kokushibo, correct?" 

"Yes, I do." Akaza was even more confused. Kokushibo seemed very loyal to Muzan.. was he in some way a traitor!?  

"No, He's not a traitor." Muzan chucked slightly at Akaza's thoughts. "Quite the opposite, really... you're right that he's very loyal. It's one of the reasons I-" Muzan cut himself off, then fixed the slight smile off of his face. "Ah, right. You need the whole story first..." 

Akaza tilted his head, more confused then ever. 

"Not to be rude or questioning, Master, but what do you mean by that..?" He asked, humbly as possible. 

"Well, I have a very strong.. liking for Kokushibo.." Muzan paused a little and then shook his head and thought a little. He took another deep breath and continued. "This is the part that is extremally top secret. If you tell anyone, ANYONE about this I will not hesitate to kill you. Do you understand?" 

Akaza gulped.. 

"Yes, I understand." 

"Good. Now, when I said I had a 'liking' for Kokushibo.. Liking was the incorrect word. It would be more accurate to say 'Loving'... Or what do you kids call it these days? A Crush?" Muzan paused for a moment, allowing Akaza to have a few seconds of shock, then continued. "Now, it's not like this is new for me, as Koku.. Shibo and I have had a deep and.." He looked at Akaza "You're 18, right? In terms of physical age?" 

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