After Muzan's battle with Yoriichi

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Continuation of the mini chapter from last part, I'll include it here too since it was only abt 600 or so words.

Theme: Fluff

Au: normal

Setting: 460 ish years ago



Muzan was enraged. How could this have happened?! HE was the strongest- Well, not anymore, he figured. The little lumps of flesh he had saved from that man had regenerated slightly by now, so that he was about the size of a small child.

He stomped off to where he left Kokushibo, one of his newest, but quickly becoming the most trusted, subordinates. He really liked Kokushibo, the swordsman turned demon. He was quite a useful asset, and it was pleasant how quickly he devoted himself to him.

Muzan marched into the mansion, leaned up against the most comfortable chair he could find, and loudly called out for Kokushibo. Kokushibo quickly came to him, as he was just reading in one of the next few rooms over. As he entered, he greeted Muzan with his usual formal and respectful tone

"Hello, Muzan-Sama.." Kokushibo looked around the room for Muzan, then his eyes fell on the child-sized version of his lord that stood before him. His eyes went wide, and for the first time in the short time Muzan had known him, Kokushibo seemed quite supprised. "M-Muzan-Sama.....?"

Muzan looked up at him with a scowl on his face. It wasn't directed at Kokushibo, but Muzan was still clearly unhappy.

"If you're wondering what happened I had a terrible encounter with a stupid dumb slayer and almost died."

"You- y-you... you WHATT???!?!?!!!" Another first for Muzan, in terms of Kokushibo's behavior. The man was usually extremely quiet, and this was the first time Muzan heard him scream. This was also the first time Muzan had seen Kokushibo look very worried. He tried to read his thoughts, but they were just a jumbled mess of stuff like 'omgomgomgomgomgomg...' and 'is Muzan-Sama okay? Will he be okay?? Oh no oh no'.

He found it kind of amusing how Kokushibo's usually stoic attitude melted away when something happened to Muzan. He actually found it kind of.. cute and endearing. 'What?! No I don't!' Muzan thought to himself and scratched out his thought before that. He was the Demon King, and Kokushibo was just a servant.

While in his inner monolouge, Muzan didn't notice Kokushibo moving to sit beside him. He still looked extremely worried, and was starting to sweat a little. Though his see though world, he could tell that Muzan's injuries were serious. He asked though their mind link questions like 'What do you need..? Do you.. want me to get you anything..? How can I help...?'

"I'm fine, Kokushibo, really." Muzan brushed off his questions.

"...." Kokushibo hesitated, then did what he thought was for the best, even though it was kind of disobedient. "Muzan-Sama.... Your injuries are serious... you need to rest..."

"I said I'm fine, Kokushibo." Muzan repeated, slightly more irritated. (Though he was still deeply repressing his thoughts on the 'cuteness' of Kokushibo's actions.)

"Please forgive me,... Muzan sama..." Kokushibo then pulled Muzan close and hugged him for a few seconds, his thoughts echoing with notions of 'dontgetmaddontgetmaddontgetmad....'. He then carried Muzan off too the nearest bedroom and put him into the bed and tucked him in. Kokushibo proceeded to sit on the edge of the bed for a few moments, his head burred in his hands, then he ran out of the room, thinking 'imsorryimsorryimsory'. Muzan was left alone with his thoughts.

「 ★ 𝗞𝗼𝗸𝘂𝘇𝗮𝗻 ★ 」➽──❥  𝗢𝗻𝗲𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘁𝘀❟ 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗻𝗼𝗻𝘀❟ 𝗲𝘁𝗰!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ