Koku's demon turning

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I just wanted to expand upon what I think Kokuzan's first meeting would be like ig.. 

Theme: Not fluff but not angst? I still don't know what to call it.  

Setting: 460 ish years ago

Au: Normal



It was nearing midnight as I walked lonesomely across the thin flat section of the rooftops, letting it sink in that death was rapidly encroaching upon me. A few hours ago, I had just received the news that, in exchange for increased strength, everyone with the demon slayer mark would have their lifespan cut short, killing them off at 25. 

Despite where I was walking on being risky, I don't need to worry about falling off, due to my physical skills that I have built as a swordsman. Not only was hearing that you'd die at 25 frightening and stressful, it was also infuriating. If my life ends at 25, I will not be able to surpass Yoriichi. I have such little time to get better, and improvements as large as the ones I need to surpass him don't happen in that short of a time. Unless of course, the universe suddenly decides to give me the talent that I'm owed. It won't though, so it's best not to think about that. 

Up ahead... It seems that I'm approaching a person? A man.. A man who looks pretty wealthy, judging of the pattern on his clothes. The man seems to be eating.. not food, though. The man appears to be a demon. I need to unsheathe my sword silently...

However, the demon still noticed me. It appears to have superior perception. ...! Superior speed as well, as it was once a few rooftops away, it's now sitting down in front of me, on the opposite edge of the rooftop. 

"Oh, another slayer that has the misfortune of meeting me. And a strong one too! A hashira, I presume? That's too bad.. for you and the Corps, at least. You'll probably taste good to me."  The demon spoke. 

"I'm not dying... to a demon.." 

"Oh, but you misunderstand, silly human. Can you sense how powerful I am?" The demon was right, It was much more powerful than I was. I must remain confident, so I won't respond. "I'm sure you can. So do you know who I am?" I shook my head. "Cute." Was that sarcastic..? I couldn't tell.. "Well, you silly human, I'm Muzan Kibutsuji. I'm sure you know me..." 


Muzan continued to speak as Michikatsu's eyes widened. 

"Oh, did that surprise you, human?" He laughed a little. "Sit down, let's chat." Michikatsu remained standing. "Now. That's an order. Do it or I'll kill you." Michikatsu obliged. "And put away your sword." He obeyed once again. "Hm. You obey better than many of the weakling demons that I've created." 

"Was that.. a compliment or an insult..?" 

"Well I'm complimenting you, but given that you're asking and that you're a slayer, you probably find it insulting, No? Why would a slayer see being obedient to the enemy as a complement?" They both paused for a little bit. "So, You're a breath user, correct?" 

"Yes, I am.." 

"Hmm. Interesting. This new little fad of 'breathing styles' that the Corps has been latching onto recently has been pretty fascinating to me. Now tell me, which one of these breaths do you use?" 

"I use Moon Breathing." 

"Ooh, that's a new one. Did you make it yourself?" 

"I did." 

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