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Amidst the jubilant atmosphere, one person's quiet yet cold behaviour caught Radhika's attention — Hukum Sa, her husband. He ate his meal with a serene expression, not uttering a word. This subtle reaction tugged at Radhika's heartstrings, leaving her disheartened as she had hoped for his approval the most; little did she knew he don't talk in middle of the family always distant with everyone she noticed it.

Everyone after having breakfast, goes to their respective rooms to get ready.
As Jai & Radhika entered in their chamber, he notices her pouting, sadly looking towards her cupboard, he chuckled seeing her cute behaviour, as he sensed that she was waiting all the time to hear him praising her handmade food.

His eyes sparkled as he gazed at Her. Who was now standing infront of mirror; removing her jewelleries as she have to change.

In a voice filled with admiration, he called her -

Jai : Aren't you tired after making this much food, I've seen you in kitchen making everything alone, you should have told me, I would have talked to Dadi Sa!

Radhika: ( turning her face towards him with hopeful and shy eyes) you were there?

Jai: How could I not come there to check? I was worried for y-
(He stopped his words)

Radhika : (smile) You don't need to worry, actually I love to make food, Maa Sa just told me to make a bit of food but I wanted to make different foods, as I didn't knew what everyone likes, What you like.....

Jai : Your culinary literally enchanted everyone, but you were not looking happy? Why, were your eyes searching for my approval? (Said jokingly)

Radhika (looked down & mumbled) : Your words mean more to me than any compliments.

He heard it; his ears turned red, never in his life he felt this important.... obviously who would ask him about food? He always ate whatever was made, never even told anyone about his likes or dislikes, He was looking at her silently, and she just look down in shyness.

Jai : Well, I really loved the food, there were things which i like & the food was really magical, thankyou! (Softly)

If someone else would have heard him they would have got shock for their whole life!

he praised her culinary talents, acknowledging the effort she had put into the dishes. Radhika's heart swelled with joy and happiness, it was really more than enough for her.
Jai : Uhm, Everyone have gave something to you I also have gifts for you!

Radhika : Gifts, really then give me! (She asked with full-rights)

Jai: (smirking) Well, You have to close your eyes and don't open them till I say.

Radhika, without even hesitating quickly closed her eyes being super excited....While she was standing there, He walked near a drawer took two envelops, then get back to her.

Jai : now you can open your eyes...

(He hands Radhika a beautifully wrapped gift)

Radhika: What is this?

Hukum Sa: Open it.

With trembling hands, she unwrapped the gift to find a document inside — her eyes widened, it was the opportunity of a lifetime, a meeting with the person she admired most, her dream project that she had always yearned for. She understood He had gone above and beyond to make her aspirations a reality, arranging for her to collaborate with the very person she had idolized. As the realization sunk in, tears of happiness welled up in Radhika's eyes.

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