The Meeting

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The silence was so thick, you could hear a pin drop. Shouta raised an eyebrow, silently assessing the kid. He was covered in scars, running up and down his arms. He had bags under his eyes, and his emerald eyes, which had previously been full of brightness and innocence, were now hard with the look of someone who had seen too much. Shouta didn't know what happened to give a kid the skills to lie so convincingly. He didn't really want to know.

"You're Dekiru?" Tensei asked. "But, you're so young!"

Everyone looked at Naomasa. He just sighed. "He's telling the truth."

"He's so cute!" Nemuri burst out, cooing over the kid. "He is a little Broccoli-chan!"

The kid flushed as the other ladies and Hizashi started cooing over him, shooting a dirty look at Keigo. Keigo shrugged, raising his hands up defensively. "I sent them a picture of you, kid."

Mirai sighed. "Are we sure he should be on the case if he's so young? He's still a civilian." He was trying to be scolding, but the cat perched on his shoulder blunted the effect.

"As long as I stay behind the screen and off the field, I'm still safe," Dekiru said, going behind the counter for something. "Besides, I know enough about the case that you can't really take me off without having me sign a shit ton of NDAs."

He took a seat at the table, having pulled out a few different green manila folders, a notebook, and a laptop. "I'm ready when you guys are," he said, nodding to the detective.

The Detective sighed, probably already having a headache incoming from the can of worms that the Problem Child just opened up. "Alright. There's been new information that's been brought to the table regarding the Trigger case, but first I'd like to hear Dekiru's analysis with the information we've been able to provide him."

The greenette nodded, pulling out the first folder and opening it up. "We've currently identified three dealers of this new version of Trigger," he said. "Mita Ryoichi, Enokida Shohei, and Iwakiri Naozane."

The folder opened, and Shouta saw the face of Mita Ryoichi. "Mita Ryoichi, 27 years old, Quirk: Trick or Treat. He can summon small pumpkins, which explode on command. He's dealt other drugs before, but this is the first time he's picked up an illegal drug to sell. He has connections to the Demon Riders, presumably where he's been getting his drugs from before he started dealing Trigger. He relies on his quirk too much, so either dodging the pumpkins or turning off his quirk is sufficient enough to bring him in. I recommend Eraserhead and a pro hero for backup. Eraserhead should be able to take him on his own but with Mita having Trigger on his person, it's best not to take the chance."

Dekiru opened the next folder. "Enokida Shohei, 37 years old, Quirk: Bait. He has an influential voice that specifically makes his taunts more effective. He was a former member of the Abegawa Tenchu Kai before they were disbanded, and his previous jobs were assassinations, not drug dealings. His fighting style heavily relies on his kanobo, though he does have knives on him. As long as you can ignore his taunts, he essentially fights quirkless. I'd recommend Ingenium and Rock Lock, as a combination of speed and immobilization should be able to take him down quickly."

Finally, he opened the last folder. "Iwakiri Naozane, 21 years old, Quirk: Impulse. She can create brief electromagnetic pulses from the spikes on her forehead. She's had a history of graffiti and assault charges, and she comes from a poor family, which is possibly why she turned to Trigger dealing. She's an inexperienced fighter, so as long as any equipment brought to fight her aren't shorted by the EMPs. I'd recommend Midnight and another hero as backup, Midnight should be able to knock her out on her own but like with Mita, she has Trigger on her. We should be careful."

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