Some New, Some Familiar Faces

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"You can't afford to use your time up before school," Nedzu said, taking another sip of his tea. "Especially with the security breath yesterday."

He laid a paw on the hero's knee. "Trust in other heroes to take care of petty crime. Your students are the ones who need you."

Yagi sighed, staring despondently down at his cup of tea. "I know. It's just that All Might is the hero who is there. If he sees a crime, he steps in to help."

"And that has served you well in the past, but your time is limited now. You have to prioritize your students."

Nedzu sat back, taking another long sip of his tea. "Well, now that we have the time, why don't we go over the lecture you missed last week-"

The door opened suddenly, revealing an out of breath Tsutsumi, panting and clutching her laptop to her chest.

"Nedzu, sir, we've lost connection with the USJ!"


One of the best things about his brother is that he has little brother privileges for piggyback rides. The Hawks Taxi doesn't have to deal with traffic or tolls!

Today's lesson was analysis of disaster and rescue scenarios. It was an area that Izuku was unfortunately lacking in. He does a little bit of that when he does analysis of rescue heroes, but most of his work skews towards villain analyses and take down strategies. It was important work, but he can't neglect disaster scenarios, and he had to remember to incorporate rescue tips into his general hero analyses.

Keigo and Thirteen were going to be at the USJ early, while Aizawa would be waiting on the main campus for his students (probably napping). Yagi and Nedzu were supposed to be there too, but when they landed the two teachers were absent.

"Where's Yagi-san and Nedzu-sensei?" Izuku asked, jumping off Keigo's back and making him stumble with a muttered 'Shit!'

"All Might hasn't arrived yet, so Nedzu is waiting for him on the main campus."

"You know where you're going, kiddo?" Keigo asked, ruffling his hair.

Izuku swatted him off. "Yeah, Nedzu-sensei showed me the blueprints while we were going over U.A's security systems!"

The two heroes looked at each other worriedly. "What?"

"The staff meeting yesterday was about plans of emergency in the event of a villain attack." Keigo started to play with the feathers on his wings nervously. "While a plan was put in place for the main campus, the biggest concern was the field trip here."

"And you were banking on having All Might here."

"I can certainly take on any villains that may attack," Keigo declared, trying to reassure them and himself. "But I don't want to risk any students getting hurt. I'd certainly appreciate the backup."

"Don't worry Keigo, I'll stay safely in the console room."

"You should head there now," Thirteen said. "Get comfortable down there."

Izuku hiked up his bag with a smile. "Don't worry guys, I'm sure it'll be fine!"


Kyouka was an observant person out of necessity. She can't turn her advanced hearing off, but she's learned how to tune out meaningless chatter and only hear the important shit.

There's always an adjustment period though. It takes about a week for her to learn what to tune out.

On the bus to the field trip, she hears the arguing between Kirishima, Kaminari and Ashido about the best Pokemon. She hears the muffled conversation between Hagakure and Uraraka about what kinds of hero they wanna be. She hears the very loud conversation between Inasa, Iida and Aoyama, with Todoroki interjecting snarky comments and Yaomomo holding in giggles.

Who's this Dekiru and why do all the Pros want to adopt him?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora