Getting Ready for the Gala

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After only a month, things seemed to have settled down. Izuku has been going to therapy every week with Hound Dog, and he seems to be getting better. There were a few bumps in the road, like Keigo having to enforce a bedtime and get rid of the coffee machine. Overall, it has gotten better: Izuku's bedroom has been fully redecorated, and a few more bird themed decorations made their way into the apartment.

Izuku's schooling was all online, so most of the time he hung out with the other heroes. He spent a lot of time at the Aerie Junior (Keigo wasn't a name guy, sue him) and UA, but he also spent time at Rumi's agency, Ketsubutsu Academy, and Sir Nighteye's agency. He was making bank helping sidekicks improve and solving cases.

Keigo would be even more proud of him if he stopped fucking up his sleep schedule.

Keigo himself had cut down on patrols, spending more time getting his teaching license. He and Nedzu struck a deal where he'll be spending the next ten months doing a fast tracked course of the classwork learning, and the next year he could be an assistant to one of the heroics teachers. He was also funneling information to Nedzu, holding up his end of the bargain.

Hound Dog still hasn't given them the green light to tell Izuku about his mom's body. There has been no activity from the villains since, although Nedzu's digging unearthed the fact that they had been stealing bodies before this. Unfortunately, the case has gone cold, so they can only wait.


"Hey, Keigo!" Izuku shouted, stomping back into the apartment. Keigo looked up from where he was apparently lounging on the couch, taking over his spot where he was working. Izuku's analysis papers were all moved to the corner of the coffee table, and Keigo's stuff was now spread out instead. "D- Did you just steal my spot?!"

Keigo stuck out his tongue, continuing to fill out some worksheet. Izuku rolled his eyes, throwing an envelope at his face. "Check your damn mail!"

Izuku continued to get the bills to his mailbox in the lobby of the apartment, but most of Izuku's mail as Dekiru and Keigo's mail from his hero work went to the PO box. Izuku took a morning run to the post office every day, because they get so much mail every day that he has to check it every day. He also gets the chance to get his daily Starbucks, away from the watchful eye of his brother.

He's pretty sure his drink order puts the fear of the Kami in the barista, though.

Izuku snatched his papers, sitting down at the dining table. He opened up the switchblade in his pocket (which Khe has for self defense purposes, Aizawa-san was teaching him how to use it) and used it to open up the letters. He usually got commissions through the Hero Net these days, but some heroes are old fashioned and send letters.

Most of the letters were payment checks (like the commissions, most heroes just sent him the money directly, but some still liked sending checks) and the rest were commission letters. Skimming the names, he mentally added a Backdraft analysis, a case for Kamui Woods, and a case for Gunhead to his to-do list.

He heard a very long "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck" from Keigo and looked up to find him sprawled over the side of the couch, the letter over his face.

"What's the problem now?" Izuku called out, pulling out his planner and making notes. When were the bills due, when did cases need to be sent in, where was he going to be babysat, when was he going to have time to take a nap-

"I forgot about the Hero Gala!"

Izuku looked up, raising an eyebrow. "So?"

"What do you mean, so?" Keigo asked. "I'm contractually obligated to be at every gala, and I have to look the best out of everyone there!"

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