The Plot Thickens

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Investigation Team for Broccoli-Chan - 8:29 AM

Nedzu: We must have a meeting at U.A. today

Detective Tsukauchi: uh oh

Eraserhead: oh no

Hawks: I have to get Izuku to U.A. today for Hound Dog, meet then?

Detective Tsukauchi: that works for me


Izuku took a deep breath in, playing with the hem of his shirt while he shuffled outside of the door. He was still nervous, even though he knew that he shouldn't be, logically. Just the idea of talking about his feelings to a total stranger made his skin crawl.

"You're gonna be fine," Aizawa's gruff voice made him jump a bit. He was so lost in his thoughts that he forgot about the hero who led him there. "Ryou is a good person. Hell, I've gone to him about my own problems."

"Right," Izuku nodded. "And the first session is just about connecting and getting to know me."

Aizawa gently nudged him into the office. It didn't look like a stereotypical therapist's office. Hound Dog himself had a spinny chair that he sat on, and there were multiple bean bag chairs around. A bookshelf was against the wall, and next to Hound Dog's desk was a small table covered in fidget toys. There was a small jar of candy next to Hound Dog's computer.

"Midoriya-kun, it's good to see you," Hound Dog said. "Come in, make yourself comfortable."

Izuku nodded, sitting down on one of the bean bag chairs. "Thank you, Hound Dog-san."

"Please, call me Inui," he said. "And if you would like, you can grab one of the fidgets off of the table."

Izuku plucked up a little cube covered in buttons. With one hand occupied by the fidget, his other hand stopped wringing his shirt, letting him breathe a little bit easier. Marginally.

"Now, this is the first session, and my goal is to make this as safe of a space as possible for you," Hou- Inui-san continued, making notes on his clipboard. "We don't have to talk about anything you don't want to, and you are the one who sets the pace."

That made him relax a bit. He's not diving into the deep end right away. "How- How much do you already know?"

"Only the basics, what's already on your medical file," Inui-san said. "But I want to hear it from you."

Izuku nodded, took a deep breath in, and started from the very beginning.


"I'm sorry, it's been what?! "

Keigo had slammed his hands down on the table, his feathers fluffed all the way out. He was well aware that it wasn't very professional of him, but dammit he didn't care. Eraserhead and the Detective were in similar states of shock, and Nedzu was grimacing as he sipped his tea. They had just entered the room, and the stoat slaps them with this.

The detective stood up from next to him, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Nedzu, I'm afraid we're gonna need a bit more context."

"Of course," Nedzu responds with a nod, holding up a teapot. "Would anyone like some tea?"

All three of them shook their heads, with Keigo slowly sitting down, the detective doing so after him.

"As you know, I have been doing my own private investigations into Aldera Junior High and Musutafu General Hospital," Nedzu had a wicked gleam in his eye, making the three of them shiver. "I had finished sending my report on Aldera to the police, and was going through previous billings and medical records of Midoriya Inko when I realized that all paper trails of her body stopped four days ago."

"Which is the day after Midoriya-san reportedly died," the detective said.

"So her body's been missing for four days and the hospital did nothing?" Eraserhead asked.

"So I kept looking," Nedzu continued. "And I found security footage of villains stealing the body."

"Send it to me," the detective said solemnly. "We'll find them."

"Already done," the stoat sipped his tea. "We're looking for a villain with a warping quirk and a villain with a disintegration quirk."

Keigo slumped over, his head in his hands. "What am I going to tell Izuku?" They hadn't even started making funeral arrangements and this happened.

Eraserhead spoke up. "We have to tell him. It's illogical not to."

It was the detective who spoke up, surprisingly. "I don't think it's a good idea. The kid attempted suicide three days ago, and he's still grieving. We should let him finish mourning before we spring this on him."

"It'll be worse if we treat him like glass," Eraserhead said. "He's not fragile."

"He's not in the best mental state either, it'll be better if we wait until he's recovered some."

Nedzu sipped his tea. "Hawks, you are the one who is currently the acting guardian of Midoriya-kun. What do you think?"

Keigo's wings fluttered nervously. "He's a strong kid, but I don't know. It might just be a me thing, but you didn't see him when he had a panic attack after entering his room. I'm worried about the kid, but he deserves to know." He dragged a hand down his face. All his training from the HPSC never prepared him for this. "I'm no good with this stuff. You three are probably better informed than I am."

Nedzu closed his eyes, and set his teacup down. "I think we should wait to tell him until we have Inui-san's opinion. He'll have the best picture of Midoriya-kun's current mental state."

The three men looked at each other. It was the best compromise they were gonna get.

Eraserhead stood up first. "I have papers I have to grade," he said, then muttered under his breath something about idiotic students.

The detective did so next. "I'll get started on processing the security footage you sent me," he said, adjusting his hat.

Keigo finally stood up with a sigh, letting his wings fold up. "I'll go wait for Izuku," he said, checking his phone for the time. Not even fifteen minutes, damn. And his inbox was full of emails.

Nedzu nodded, a clear sign of dismissal as he went back to sipping his tea with his eyes closed. The three shuffled out of there awkwardly, and Keigo breathed a sigh of relief.

Eraserhead just nodded before walking off, leaving the detective and Keigo standing there awkwardly.

Keigo cleared his throat. "You'll update me on how the investigation is going, right?"

"Of course," the detective smiled, something that was probably meant to be reassuring but just came across as strained. "Now, if you'll excuse me..."

Keigo nodded, stepping out of the way as the detective left. With a sigh, he turned to find his way to Hound Dog's office. He was not looking forward to the next forty five minutes.

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