Get Back Up Again!

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"With her friends safely hidden, Princess Poppy set off to rescue her other friends, confident she'd make it to Bergen town on her own! ...Convinced she'd make it to Bergen town..."

Poppy narrated, looking at her scrapbook which showed her getting beheaded with her head eaten by a Bergen.


Poppy hummed, looking at the Bergen footprints she was following.

"Totally sure... she would make it to Bergen town..."

Poppy looked at the road ahead, grumbling, before sighing. Then she proceeded to continue following the footsteps. She heard some churping behind her, and turned around cautiously. Then she turned to keep going, and she decided to sing, to calm herself down.

(Song: Get back up again, sung by Anna Kendrick. Italic words are just the lyrics. And since it's just Poppy here, I don't need to specify who's singing.)

(Some visuals just because it'll be weird to just describe it, and just because I can... Let's break it-)

I really hope I can do it,

Cause they're all depending on me.

She ended up climbing a flower, looking out into the horizon as she stood onto one of it's petals.

I know that I must leave the only home I've ever known,

And brave the dangers of the forest.

Saving them before they're eaten...

Then she smiled.

I mean, how hard can that...

She spun around, not realizing the petal was about to break and fall.


The petal broke, and she screamed as she fell. She fell down before she saw the ground and launched her hair towards the ground and latching onto it. Then she turned her hair into stairs, stopping her fall as she flipped and landed on the stairs she created with her hair. Then she started walking down the stairs.

Looking up at a sunny sky

So shiny and blue and there's a butterfly

Well isn't that a super fantastic sign!

Technically, it was a good sign... until the butterfly got caught by a tongue, then brought into a creature's mouth to be eaten. Then a smaller transparent creature opened it's mouth, eating the bigger creature. Then a lot of smaller creatured rushed in, eating both creatures and leaving the bones. And finally a plant nearby turned and burned the bones to ashes, and sucked up all the ashes. Then it turned to Poppy, who stood and watched it all unfold.

It's gonna be a fantastic day...!

She sung nervously, slowly walking to the side before just running.

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