Lonesome Flats

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"I... pinky promise."

Poppy said, holding our her pinky finger. Biggie turned around in disbelief.

"Poppy, you know you can't go back on a pinky promise."

Biggie said, but Poppy didn't back down.

"Never did, never will."

Poppy said confidently, holding out her pinky finger further. Biggie looked at Mr. Dinkles, and nodded. So he reached out with his pinky finger, and their fingers interlocked, creating a pink electricity.

They floated into the air, and and created a pink glitter explosion, and it reached far and wide, even reaching Cooper during his long journey.

"A pinky promise.. dang."

Cooper turned to where the explosion came from. When it was settled, Poppy and Biggie landed on the ground, leftover glitter falling on the ground.

"Let it be so."

Poppy said, lowering her hand.

"And so it is."

Biggie said, and there, the pinky promise has been made. Branch scoffed behind them, then Zara lightly nudged him in the arm.

"This just got real"

Pennywhistle said, standing on a hill nearby. Then Poppy took out a map of Troll Kingdom, placing it on the ground.

"We have to get to the Country Music Trolls on Lonesome Flats before Barb does."

Poppy said, before turning to Pennywhistle.

"Will you come with us?"

Poppy asked the small whistle.

"Oh, no, someone has to rebuild. And Pennywhistle is that woodwind for the job."

Pennywhistle said, bending down and pushing a rock ontop of another, though it was a bit hard seeing as she didn't have hands. Then Poppy went up to her and put a helmet on Pennywhistle's head.

"Good luck, little Pennywhistle."

Poppy said, as the others started heading to the air balloon already, and Poppy followed them after.

"Goodbye, Poppy"

Penywhistle said, watching them leave. Then the rock she pushed up had fallen and rolled down the hill, making her sigh.

Soon, they made it to Lonesome Flats, and found a town, probably the Country Trolls. Though it seemed like no one was there.

"This must be where the County Music Trolls live."

Poppy said, looking up from her map.

"Well, it looks like nobody's here, we're too late. Time to go home, come on guys, let's go."

Branch said, turning around to walk back to the balloon.

"There is no 'I quit' in team!"

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