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Eyes, multiple eyes staring at the troll unconscious on the ground. A bunch of spiders came down, taking a look at what fell down their webs, possibly considering eating it. They all crowded around Poppy, about to take a bite out of her.

But then, she was taken from the spiders by a certain troll using his hair. Surprise! Turns out Branch really didn't wanna stay in his bunker with all the other trolls inside. Immediently, the spiders charged at him, and he jumped between the spiders and Poppy.

In an act of defence, he threw... a frying pan at them. Hey, gotta use your resources. But, it didn't do much other than catch them offguard for a bit, Branch shuddered at the realization.

But when the spiders started to advance forward again, he took off his bag and used his hair as a whip, whipping them back into a 'cave'. And when they were fully inside the 'cave', it closed, revealing that it was, surprise, surprise, the mouth of another large creature.

The creature looked at Branch, before settling down and probably going to sleep. Branch sighed, before remembering Poppy was unconscious and wrapped in spider webs.

"Oh no. Poppy!"

He said, running over to try and hear if Poppy still had a heartbeat.

"Hang on!"

He rushed to grab a sharp leaf and two beetles. Usong the leaf to cut the webs open, and then the beetles as an EMF. Luckily Poppy seemed just fine.

"GET back up again!"

She said, sitting up instantly. Then she noticed Branch beside her.

"Branch, my man! You are right on time."

Poppy said, standing up.

"Oh, right, like you knew I was coming."

Branch said, putting the beetles down as they crawled away back to where they came from.

"Yes! I figured after the third hug time, getting eaten by a Bergen didn't seem so bad."

Poppy said, getting off from the webs as Branch wore his backpack again.

"And I figured there was no way you could do this by yourself. Guess we were both right."

Branch smiled proudly, and Poppy hummed, nodding her head.

"Y'know I was wondering if you were gonna bring Zara along."

Poppy asked, putting her hands on her hips.

"No way, she's staying back at the bunker where it's safe."

Branch scoffed, to which Poppy shrugged.

"All right. Anyway, let's do this! Sooner we get to Bergen town, sooner we can rescue everybody, and make it home safely."

Poppy said, already moving forward.

"Wait, wait, wait, what's your plan?"

Branch asked, stopping her in her tracks.

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