Chapter 1 : Origins

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They say the power doesn't make the man, it is how it is used which decides who they are. It was the biggest lie the world has ever told.  People are unaccepting of the unnatural, grotesque, shiver inducing. How you look and how your quirk functions determines how you are perceived. If it is similar to heroes of  legend then you are treated as their second coming, but if it requires the pain of others or has been used by the evils of old, you are looked at with fear, jealousy, and contempt as they look for every sign you may become what they most dread. 

"Your quirk is quite amazing young man. You'll be a great hero in the future." Dr. Tsubasa said proudly while ruffling Izuku's head.

Izuku looks up in excitement as he is in his own head wondering what quirk would bring such reaction from the doctor.

"What is his quirk doctor? Inko ask curiously.

"Well his quirk allows his body to mutate to defend itself from harm, it also allows him regeneration which I believe will continue to grow as he ages.  He'll be unstoppable if he is exposed to the right stimuli for long enough." 

As the doctor is saying this, he tries to use the needle to he had used to take Izuku's blood, the needle bends as it tries to pierce his skin. The doctor then tries other areas of the body the result is the same.

"Mom, can I tell Kacchan tomorrow? Izuku asked excitedly.

"Sure, thank you doctor." Inko and Izuku then left.

"No problem, Ms. Midoriya" Dr. Tsubasa replies.

As Dr. Tsubasa sits there he sighs and goes to the lab to study the blood sample taken from the boy. As he sat down at the desk he notices the sample seems to be discoloured. Perplexed he decided to pour a small amount into a petri dish.

 As soon as the blood hit the glass it dried. The doctor took the dried sample to a microscope and began examining it. It looked just like normal dead blood cells. The doctor looked over at the remaining sample in cold storage they were all dry and dead. 

'Damn, this would have been a great break through in the project'

'Maybe not all is lost.' The master may find great use for the boy'


As Inko and Izuku left the clinic and got in to their car, Izuku excitement wears off and he notices a small letter icon with a red dot on the corner in his peripheral vision. Izuku focusing on it causes a text box to pop up.


- Heightened Mental Acuity

- Cell Longevity

He didn't really understand the words shown to him so he asked his mom.

"Mom? What does 'ah-cu-i-twe' and 'lo-gu-e-vi-ti' mean?

"Wow those are big words. Where did Izu hear it from?

"It says it right here"

Izuku points at the air right in front of him. Seeing this worries her.

'This must be from his quirk. I should get a second opinion'

"That's great Izu. That first word is 'a-cu-i-ty which means how good you are at someting. The second word is 'long-ge-vi-ty' which means how long things last for or how long something lives.


"Izu do you want to go meet quirk doctor to know what you're quirk actually does"


The ride home continues in silence with Izuku imagining what his quirk could do and how he'd be just like All Might with it, while Inko was worried of what this quirk has in store for her baby boy.

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