Chapter 63 : Millennium

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After dropping off Walter with Nezu, Izuku decided to check in with the Doctor to inquire if he knew of Alucard or the assault on London by Millennium hoping to get more detailed information on them. Walking into the lab, the doctor was surrounded by other researchers looking over some clipboards and discussing something. Dr. Garaki turned and greeted his master.

"Afternoon master, what has brought you here?"

"The knowledge that you might possess of the Millennium Organisation and Alucard."

The Doctor was a bit shocked to hear those words. He dismissed the other researchers by waving his hand.

"Excuse us. Master follow me."

Garaki led Izuku to his personal office and began to dig out some documents. Placing them on the table he allowed Izuku to look through them.

Millennium was drafted by the Nazis during World War II as a long-term project to research the supernatural and replicate its effects in their soldiers but their experiments were halted by a younger Walter and Alucard who was disguised as a little girl. During the assault, the top brass managed to escape the culling into South America with a small battalion and items stolen from Holocaust victims to help conceal themselves helped along by the Vatican.

The organisation reappeared in 1999 when they attacked both America and London with an army of artificial vampires. The Vatican gathered to fight them off but they were at a stalemate until Alucard appeared and consumed the ranks of both sides in the city raising those he had drank from as a tidal wave of ghouls to destroy the troops of both the Vatican and Millennium. By the end of it, all members of Millennium were killed yet their documents were saved and archived as a record of their delusion and existence. Garaki spoke as Izuku finished reading.

"Even as a young man, I was always interested in the research they had to alter the human genome. I scoured the world to look for data pertaining to it. It was their research that allowed me to successfully create the Nomus. People changed and altered to handle the strain of power and its consequences."


"... Would access to more of Millennium's research expedite the process of reversing the nomufication?"

"Unfortunately, no. Millennium was only interested in altering people regardless of the effects. Their research was quite unethical wasting many lives but they found a key, Mina Harker, a sire of Alucard. Her corpse was dug up after centuries and it had yet to fully decay. The body still had the blood of a true vampire flowing through its veins allowing Millennium to replicate some of Alucard's vampiric abilities. Her body was lost during the assault of the Fourth Reich."


"Has there been any info on the whereabouts of Alucard and Seras Victoria? If they are true vampires then they should still be around."

"No. When I started my search the Hellsing Organisation was already disbanded after their leader Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing had passed of old age not leaving behind an heir but allowing someone else to lead the organisation for a few years before the British government cut their funding when the rise of quirks became prevalent. I would guess that they're somewhere near the UK, maybe Europe."


"Alright then. That was a bit less than I expected but that's fine, how is the denomufication coming along?"

"Things a going steady. We are currently on animal trials trying to reverse the effect placed on mice but there has yet been a successful result."


"And Nezu approved of it? I thought he would object."

"He did in the beginning but this was the only way for the other researchers to study the process to find a way to reverse it somewhat ethnically."

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