Chapter 36 : Rescue Exam

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"This is the second and final part of your test. The arena has had a disaster and your goal is to rescue the civilians played by the Help Us Company. They will be grading you all on how the rescue operations are run. Your job is to assess the situation and respond to it accordingly. The scenario is that a terrorist attack has happened and first responders are held up. It is up to the heroes to save as many civilians as possible. The test begins now."

The students hearing this rushed out to find the civilians.

"Momo could you make us some comms? We'll need to talk to each other so we don't waste time looking for lightly injured. We prioritise the rescue of serious injury as they have the least amount of time."

As Momo was making comms, Midoriya decided that this would be the best time for double. Creating two clones of himself they already knew what to do as they began doing the same thing. When they had a few tens of them the original spoke up.

" I'm the original. I made you all not have the targets on your chest from the first test. Go and find the civilians. I'll help organise the rescue."

They all nod and fly in different directions.

"Hey Midoriya couldn't you just warp all the civilians out like you did in Kamino?"

"I could but you all still need to pass so get out there or stay to help treat the injured."

The class makes their way into the city as Momo hands out the comms. The clones were working fast and were bringing back their saves. Most of them had broken limbs or were bleeding out. Some of the clones stayed to treat the injured and the rest went out for the less injured ones. Many of the civilians were gathered together when reports of the terrorists who were played by Gang Orca and his agency were received. Midoriya looked out into the arena and used quirk sight to scan for Gang Orca. Finding him he raised his arm and pointed his finger in his direction. A dark ball surrounded by black lightning appeared at the tip of his finger.

'Impure Beam + Dark Ball + Dark Cowl'

A dark beam shoots out from the ball across the arena seen by the students on the ground. Hitting its target it explodes sending liquid concrete around. Seeing that Gang Orca had deflected the beam Midoriya decided that it was time he moved himself.

"Momo do you think you can handle things here?"

"I've got this. Just go."

Midoriya nods with a small smile as wings burst out from his back and blasts off to the location of the terrorist. Arriving at the scene he sees Gang Orca fighting off Inasa and Todoroki. The two of them were not working together and arguing which Orca took advantage of by attacking from behind Todoroki launching a sonic wave at him. Midoriya jumped in front of it and took the hit using his wings.

"Todoroki you need to focus on the task at hand."

"Stay out of my way. I've got this handled."

"Doesn't look like it seeing that I'm here and you two bickering doesn't help anything."

Gang Orca's sidekicks shot their cement gun at Midoriya who allows them to completely encase him.

"With him taken care of we can deal with these heroes easily."

Before he could get close, Midoriya wrapped Todoroki and Inasa to the rescue area. Confused he looked to Midoriya's concrete cocoon which quickly cracked and blew apart sending the debris at the terrorists. Midoriya grabbed Gang Orca and took him into the sky. The hero looked around at the destroyed environment in the arena. Midoriya lands both of them far away from the civilians near where the terrorists first appeared.

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