Chapter 18 : Sports Festival

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All Might bursts into the interrogation room but finds Nana sitting alone and Tenko was gone.

"He's still alive All Might. We need to beat him for real this time."

Nana and All Might leave the precinct after informing them of Shigaraki's disappearance.

The next day the press were hounding UA to get answers to how the break in occurred. Nezu was on stage along with Power Loader.

"The break in yesterday was conducted by a villain group by the name of the league of villains. They had entered using a teleportation quirk. We are currently developing tech which will prevent this situation from ever happening again."

"Pro hero Thirteen was injured severely during the incident. Any updates on their condition?"

"They are in the most capable hands and is currently resting."

"How are the public able to trust that an incident like this will not occur at the scheduled sports festival later this month?"

"The festival will be staffed by the finest heroes of Japan including All Might. Villains would need to make large moves to ruin it."

A few days later

Class 1-a was having homeroom with Aizawa.

"Now I know everything has been a bit hectic but the fight is not over yet."

The class is once again left in suspense.

"The Sport festival will take place in 2 weeks."

"But sir isn't it a bad time. UA was just broken into.

"Unfortunately the event was too big to cancel and we're using it as a show of resilience. Showing that the future heroes will be stronger than the last. It is also an opportunity to sell yourself so you get good internship offers."

The bell rings signaling lunch. The class was exited for the coming festival and when they opened the door they were met with a large group of students a purple haired and tried looking boy blocks their way.

"Well if it isn't the survivors."

"What are you people doing here? it's lunch."

"Their here to scope out the competition dumbass."

"If that's how the prestigious 1-a acts. I don't think they will last here long."

"What did you say eyebags!"

"Bakugou stop antagonising them. You not doing anyone a favor by yelling."

"You don't tell me what to do nerd!"

A voice is heard from the back of the crowd. A green haired student pushes through the crowd and stands in the doorway of the class.

"Excuse his yelling. I'm Izuku Midoriya of class 1-a."

"Why did you help me during the entrance exam?"

"We're heroes why wouldn't I help someone in need. Anyway you guys should scatter lunch is awaiting."

"Not yet we're all here to declare war on all of 1-a. If you don't preform well during the festival your seats are open for the taking so watch out."

"I believe that all of 1-a will agree. We look forward to what your gonna bring."

Izuku walks past him but as he is he quietly says to the purple haired boy.


He turns around to confront him but he already disappeared into the crowd.

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