Chapter 22 : Internships

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It has been two days since the festival and everyone was in class including Midoriya which was surprising but the reason for that was quickly answered as Aizawa revealed the amount of internship offers the students had received.

Izuku Midoriya - 5735

Katsuki Bakugou - 4981

Shoto Todoroki - 4539

The stacks of internship offers were given to the class and when it got to Midoriya he was only given a single offer which suprised the class knowing the amount of offers he got.
The offer was from the rabbit hero Miruko which was just the words "Come Fight Me! in bold red jagged letters.

'Dammit Nezu. sigh. At least this might be fun'

"Before I let you all go you'll all have to choose your hero names and choose wisely cause if you don't-"

Midnight bursts into the room.

"You'll have hell to pay!"

"You hero names will be what the public will refer to you all as. Your choice here will effect you for the rest of your hero career."

"Yeah you don't want to end up like Eraserhead over here."

Aizawa reminisces about the past where Mic gave him his hero name. It was his own mistake for not chossing his own. Every row is passed some small whiteboards and markers.

"Alright when you have chosen I want you to come up and present it."

The frenchaboo was the first to present.

"I'm the Shining Hero: Can Not Stop Twinkling."

"Hmm shorten the can not to Can't then I'll call that a fine name for a hero."

This continues for the rest of the class. Bakugou had some trouble as he was still very much in love with the name he chose when he first got his quirk.

"I'm King Explosion Murder!"


He grumbles as he goes back to his seat. Todoroki had gone with Tundra which was accepted. Iida seems to have elected to use his own name. What happened to his brother must have effected him.

"Tenya Iida intends to face the hero killer."


'I should keep an eye on him.'

"The only one who hasn't presented is Midoriya. You can come up whenever you are ready."

Midoriya get up to the podium and turns his board around.

"I'm the Unstoppable hero : Invincible."

"Hmm, feels a bit haughty but it's a great hero name you'll have to live up to. Bakugou were you able to come up with something?"

"Great Explosion Murder God: DynaMight. "

"So just DynaMight."

"Use my full hero name!"

"No we're vetoing that your DynaMight."

He grumbles at the response.

"Alright since everyone has chosen their names I'll leave you all to choose who you'll be interning with. You all have 2 days to decide. After you are done give your choices to Aizawa."

"If you have any changes you want to make to your costume you can go to the support classes to get them done."

The class gathers to dicuss their choices. Midoriya having already been chosen for stayed to listen to the other's discussions and providing input when needed.

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