Chapter 20 : Battle Tournament

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The matches were announced and it seemed that Izuku will be fighting the brainwasher who goes by the name of Hitoshi Shinso.

"I look forward to out match student rep."

As Izuku turns to him to respond but his mouth is covered by a fleshy tail. Shinso walks away.

"Don't respond to him."

"He takes control of people by response I know. If he was smart he wouldn't have tried to use it here. Thanks for the warning though."

"Uh, no problem Midoriya."

The match came as Midoriya and Shinso stand on the concrete platform as Present Mic gave them an introduction. Midnight was on the side refereeing the match.

"Alright boys I want a clean match here today. Nothing below the belt and lethal blows are grounds for disqualification. Is that understood?"

The two combatants both nod.

"Then let the match begin."

"Let's have a good fight."

Izuku nods in response. The both of them stand there seemingly having the same plan.

"Are you so stuck up as to not even grace me with a verbal response? You people in class A are all the same. Thinking your all so much better than the rest of us. Isn't that right student rep?"

Izuku remains silent.

"I'll take your silence as an admission then. Your life must have been great. Cheers all around for the future hero. You say you know what it's like for those less fortunate but you can never truly know can you?"

"I can't"

'I've got him'

"...but that doesn't mean I don't have the right to help. Just as I did for you during the entrance exam."


"Am I right to assume that your quirk has you viewed by others as a villain? Only the ignorant and blind would believe that. You are not your quirk neither is the quirk you. I know it's been tough for you. You look skinny as if you haven't eaten or trained much-"

"But that's where your wrong I have trained."

"Yet you are not at your full potential. What were you going to do if you were fighting in a group. They can easily get each other out of your quirk's effects. You may not believe it but their words have gotten to you. Thinking your no better than what your quirk makes you. They gotten so deep in your head that the only value you see in yourself is your quirk. You unconsciously neglect to even train your body."

This seems to get under his skin as Shinso rushes toward Izuku. Izuku stays still letting him get his first hit in. Shinso punches him in the chest then immediately recoiled in pain holding his fist. He collects himself and tries to push Midoriya but he doesn't budge. He starts to get desperate hitting Midoriya while not caring for how bruised his fist are getting. Midoriya picks him up and moves him out of bounds. To the audience he was leaving after images as he moved to the edge of the stage.

"Hitoshi Shinso is out of Bounds. Izuku Midoriya moves on to the next match."

Midoriya puts Shinso's arm over his shoulder.

[Headache Resistance]

"Come one let's get you to Recovery Girl and I think you've got yourself a couple of fans."

Shinso looks up to see some of his classmates commending him for his effort and bravey and even a few gazes thrown by heroes which held much the same sentiment.

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