Chapter 50 : The Single Hour War

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Green warp gates appeared all over the city pulling over 10 thousand civilians away and releasing the heroes into the middle of the city. As soon as that happened, the city's emergency alarm sounded and the members of the Meta Liberation Army burst out of their homes to defeat the invading heroes. The war was fierce all over the city chaos ensued. Some of the heroes had gotten hurt so Invincible warped them to the sky healed them using rewind and sent them back into the battlefield.

After a few minutes, some of the villains saw something in the air and tried to get a good look at it but they didn't get the chance as more combatants got in their way. Reports of an object in the sky reach the high command. A black-haired man was sitting in a room full of monitors surveying the city and upon getting the reports tried to get a visual of the object. Getting a camera on the object he only sees a blurry green dot but that's all he needs to confirm who it is.

"Attention all soldiers Invincible is in the air. Do not engage. Retreat."

The atmosphere changed as the army turned tail and ran causing the heroes to pursue them. Invincible in the air saw that they weren't just scattering at random trying to hide. They had planned to do this gathering in the watchtower in the middle. Informing the heroes they surrounded the tower and awaited what they had prepared. Tundra sent ice to surround the tower and prevent their escape but as the ice was approaching it suddenly stopped and reversed launching itself at the heroes. Before the ice could make contact with them they were melted away by Endeavor and his agency. Tundra looked shocked that his attack was repelled and used against him. A voice came into his earpiece.

"As I said during the sports festival. You must face the consequences."

Tundra was downtrodden by this flashing back to that fight and his pledge. While that was happening, nearby a man in a large blue winter coat came floating out of the tower as water tanks around the city burst releasing shards of ice at the heroes. A lot of the personnel were stabbed and wrapped in a prepared medical tent. A shroud of ice flew at Tundra. He could have made an ice wall to block the shards but he didn't want to give the enemy more ammunition, he couldn't just dodge as heroes that couldn't protect themselves from the attack were behind him. He needed to protect them.


Tundra's left side burst into flame turning the ice shards coming at him directly into steam. The others looked surprised by the development. They had thought that Tundra could only produce ice. He really was the son of Endeavor. Not wasting any more time Tundra rushed the villain and sent a jet of flame at him. The villain dodged but his ice platform melted and was considerably smaller. This allowed the other heroes to take advantage of the opening and knock him out. The villain was warped away and appeared in front of Invincible.

"An awakened ice control quirk. I wonder what will happen?"

[Ice Ply taken]

[Quirk synergy : Ice Ply, Ice Giant > Ice King]

[Ice Ply given]


Warping him to the containment area Invincible continued to observe the operation. Now that they were inside Invincible used weaknesses detection and quirk sight to see the positions of the heroes and villains. The fighting was fierce as both sides were taking damage but the villains were slowly but surely pushed back. Eventually, the heroes get to the top floor where Rikiya Yotsubashi otherwise known as Re-Destro is by the glass window looking out at a smoldering city. He looks up to see Invincible floating above it all like a deity. A role he wanted since taking over the mantle of his late ancestor. The skin around his eyes darkens as he turns to face the heroes.

"It is great to see you all here."

"Can it with the theatrics villain your reign ends here."

"Oh, I wouldn't be too sure about that."

He pressed a device on the cuff of his suit.

Outside the entire city was engulfed in dark sludge as hundreds and thousands of nomu appeared in the city and began destroying the buildings. Near the outskirts of the city, a rumbling was heard as a mountainous man was charging through the forest straight at the city. Seeing the chaos Invincible used radio waves to halt the thousands of nomu in their tracks along with the giant man who roughly stopped before entering the city. Every nomu stops and turns to face Invincible in the air.

"Bring me the doctor."

One of the nomu warps away and warps back with the doctor in tow. Invincible summoned a green construct floor to let the nomu stand on and grabbed onto the doctor's face as he struggled to get out of their grip.

"Fancy meeting you here doctor."

"M-midoriya ho-"

A blue glow seeps from Invincible's palm as the doctor tries to scream. The glow dims the doctor now looking at Invincible in reverence.

"Who do you serve?"

"You, my master. The One Beyond Singularity."

"... Did you send all of the remaining Nomu here?"

"No, there are still many in reserve."

Suddenly the top of the watchtower is blown away revealing an enlarged and blackened Re-Destro swinging his arms wildly batting away the heroes Miruko among them. Re-Destro glanced back up at Invincible in the sky making his stress skyrocket and making him larger. The defeated heroes and the now loyal doctor were warped away as Invincible slowly floated down to the remaining heroes' fight with Re-Destro.

"Invincible we could have changed this world together. Do you not believe that the people should be allowed to be free?"

"I did agree that the law should change but your liberation would have made it so that only the strong would deserve peace. If quirk can be liberally used then the ones who would reign would be those who have mind alteration quirk. The ability to control the thoughts of people. With the rarity of quirk cancellers, no one could oppose them. That's not even mentioning children with no sense of control."

Re-Destro in anger and grief ignores the other heroes and swings at Invincible but the blow immediately stops as soon as it makes contact. Re-Destro continued to swing yet the result remained the same. To the surrounding heroes who backed off, it looked like a ragdoll being puppeted to strike a wall, completely ineffectively. After a few minutes, Re-Destro shrinks down to his normal form as his body can no longer handle the stress placed on it. He now kneels on the ground sitting on his legs looking at Invincible still in the air with a bored look on his face the sun behind him slightly darkening his features yet not obscuring his piercing green eyes. Re-Destro looked at the sight in sadness with a hint of awe.

"What are you guys waiting for? He no longer has the will to fight."

The heroes who were watching quickly got up and arrested the villain who didn't resist. Invincible looked out to the city seeing the hundred thousands of nomu still looking at him and the mountainous man staring at him with tears threatening to leak out.



Next time
Chapter 51 : Gigantomachia

Thanks to Gagin_Uchudo, YoruTsuki69, PUNTTHECHILDREN, Exiro10, ImperialChaos24, Gandorax, ArjunSingh827045, Os3f_6, ethanhuckabee, EldritchMeme, luigimacter, TruthOfTheUnknown, Qwertyuiopyour, jaydude76, Shadowstoryreader, Jokerjay75, redtail131, solarstorm_07, bccbib, 02Gold, AdamKyldeUy, VeenaVeenah, AlySaLaH_4, 69Okamikage69, MJHammer98, KrasArkDay, need_sleep123, Edwin8672106, Unmanned_T, Fifabejk, greg837, AndresDube, 1Analyzer1, FaridChahine, Shadowking1909, Sleep_deprivedGuy, NONCONTRIFIED81, Fanboykyle, Japjot25, Seth_G_Necron, Brianshooter672, Bennyzegurn, 10soulzgod, ShawnealDavis, Bios_Lacrimosa, ElsieLovesBts, Casey2022, MaxModem123, UltrAlex121, Lost_Bussy, LeSpanishInquisition, slash_n_die, DRTS77, BLAZ3453, and DDCRIMSONDD for voting on the previous chapter.

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