Chapter 14 : First Day

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Izuku wakes up bright and early makes breakfast, goes for his run, and prepares to set off for his first class. Inko of course was fussing over him asking if he had forgotten anything. He assured her that it was fine and he left.

He now stands in front of his classroom with a giant door. He walks in to a pretty weird scene Bakugou with his feet up on the desk with that blue haired kid robotically reprimanding him.

"Take your feet off that desk this instant. It is disrespectful to the heroes who came before your."

"and why should I listen to you four eyes!"

"I'm Tenya Iida from Somei academy."

"Oh so your a ponpus prick with a stick up their ass!"

Izuku looks at the scene in amusement.

"Hey Midoriya, I glad you made it in"

Izuku turns around to see Uraraka waving at him.

"Hey I'm glad you got in too."

"You there!"

The blue haired boy walks up to him and does a 90 degree bow. Izuku looks at him confused.

"I apologise for my conduct during the exam. It was unbecoming of a future hero. My name is-"

"I've heard, but we should be getting to our seats."

Izuku goes to his seat but to the others he was moving very quickly. Lida noted that the speed that he was going at was about half his top speed.

The door suddenly opens revealing a large yellow sleeping bag with a tried face poking out of it slowly inching to the teachers desk. This goes unnoticed by most of the class excluding Izuku, Momo, and Todoroki. Out of the bag reveals a disheveled looking man Izuku recognized as Eraser Head. He slams his hands on the podium to get the students attention. The students scramble to their seats. Aizawa disappointedly says.

"My name is Aizawa Shota and I'm your homeroom teacher. It took you all 8 seconds to get to you seats and only a few even noticed I was here. Those few seconds are the difference between life and death."

"Now put on your gym uniforms and meet me at the field. Midoriya should know where it is, just follow him."

By the time they got up Midoriya is already at the door beckoning them to follow.

In the boys changing room

"Man, I thought you'd look like a monster under there."

They were looking at Izuku's exposed chest. He was muscular sure but it looked like he just trained lightly.

"My quirk just compacts my muscles but I do get the benefit of having little to no muscle decay."

"What I would do to have that. My name is Eijiro Kirishima."

"Izuku Midoriya"

[Instant Shift Cells Adapted]

They arrive at the field with Aizawa waiting.

"Your here to do a quirk apprehension test."

"But what about orientation?."

"Heroes don't waste time. Now you get to use your quirks freely in these test."

"That sounds like fun."

"Fun huh, how about this whoever gets last place is expelled."

"But that's not fair!"

"Life isn't fair. Natural diasters, villain attacks, discrimination. Our jobs as heroes is to balance the scales. Midoriya you got first in the entrance exam what's your highest score on your ball throw?"

AdaptationDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora