Chapter 52 : Boss Rush

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With current threats taken care of Class 1-a got back to UA to continue their education. The last few months have been a hectic and action-packed time but now they could slow down. At least that's what they wanted but as they had faced many villains and situations especially Midoriya, Nezu had deemed that they had enough experience to skip the first year's physical education and move on directly to 2nd year material. Though theoretically, they had much to learn, their skills and fighting ability were leagues above the other first years.

The class was now in the mock city with Aizawa explaining today's exercise.

"Today's training is a Battle Simulation where you will be facing villain clones made by Midoriya who will be hidden somewhere in the city. Your job is to find him capture him and get him out before the city is reduced to rubble. He himself will not fight back but his clone minions will stop at nothing to protect their creator. Any questions?"

"What sort of villains will we be facing?"

"Midoriya is limited to villains that you all could realistically defeat as a class so no All for One, Re-Destro, Overhaul, Wolfram, or Nine but other villains are free game."

"Can he make multiples of the same villain?"

"No, each clone will be unique."

"How much prep time do we get?"

"You will be given 15 minutes before the simulation begins and a map to figure out where he is."

Plans were already brewing in the heads of the class. Aizawa seeing this allowed them to scheme and left the room as a timer started counting down unbeknownst to the class. After 3 minutes someone finally noticed the timer and alerted the class. Momo took charge of planning routes they should take to best search the city. Jirou and Koda were critical as they could better scout out the city. With plans prepped and no one potentially going rogue again they entered the city with 5 seconds on the timer.

The time was up and all around the city warp gates opened and spewed out dozens of villains and a few nomu. The strike team consisting of Bakugou, Todoroki, Iida, and Kirishima protected the group as they searched the area. Some of the villains were quickly taken care of but the nomu was another issue as they were a lot more durable. Each time one was taken down another would appear. The class knew there was a finite amount of them but they could easily tire themselves out before getting anywhere near Midoriya.

"Area searched. We need to get moving."

The class picked up the pace to get to their planned checkpoints. They had gone through around five areas fighting through hordes of villains before getting a hit underground. Finding the building it was a small external storage room in the back of a school. Opening the door it led to an empty room with an open staircase leading down with lights on the side illuminating it. Walking down the stairs they see a group of villains guarding a door. Some in the class recognised them as the villains that took over I-island's security system. Knowing what they could do with their quirks Todoroki and Bakugou rushed in to take them out.

Within a few minutes, Bakugou was able to pull the same trick on the ferret-like villain as he did before making him grab Bakugou's sweat Bakugou rushed him but this time Todoroki sent flames which ignited the substance. The resulting explosion caused the villains to turn into a viscous liquid splattering and evaporating on the walls. Walking to the door they opened it to see another staircase leading down.

"The hell? Is this a dungeon? How many floors does this go down?"

Jirou stabs her jacks into the floor.

"There are 3 more floors down. Midoriya is at the bottom. There are a bunch of villains on the way."

"Alright let's go in guns blazing."

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