Chapter 30 : Sabotage

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Aoyama saw Midoriya willingly get captured by the league. He hid back behind his bush as the villain turned around. Once the villain was gone he tried to go back to the camp wondering why Midoriya mouthed that it was part of the plan but luck seemed to have abandoned him as he found himself once again hiding near the villain's meeting spot.

"You got the kid."

"Of course."


Shigaraki takes out a radio.

"Package secure. We're getting out of here."

Suddenly Compress and Shigaraki spat out black sludge and disappeared into the air.


The vanguard action squad appeared back into the bar coughing out the remaining sludge out of their throats.

"Man that does not get easier."

"Tell me about it. I didn't sign up to be filled with sludge."

"Shut up all of you. Show me our prisoner."

Compress takes out a blue marble and taps on it twice. Midoriya pops right out asleep on the floor.

"You've done well Tomura. Bring the boy to the doctor."

A nomu picked Midoriya up and warped with him to meet Doctor Garaki. Midoriya was placed on an examination table as the doctor took a look at his body. The doctor was holding Izuku's arms when suddenly he was grabbed.


The doctor's eyes cloud over.

"Tell me where is All for One."

The doctor remains silent confusing Midoriya.

"Write down the location of your master All for One."

The doctor cuts his own finger and writes it down in blood on the examination table. Memorizing it he makes another command.

"Show me how you get to All for One."

The doctor claps three times and a small nomu with two legs in sneakers walks up to him. It had a copy of the warping quirk All for One had. Midoriya grabs it and crushes it while taking its quirk. Another nomu also follows it. It looked like a small Pac-man cat thing. It had the quirk double which was also taken.

[Warping taken]

[Double taken]

"Lead me to your strongest nomus."

The doctor leads him past a bunch of pods containing the weaker nomus. They had a bunch of quirks he already had so he took their quirk and destroyed all the nomu by spreading his tendrils around.

[Tool arms taken]

[Signal Jammer taken]

[Gecko taken]

[Body Bulk taken]

[Scalemail taken]

[Transform taken]

[Blueflame taken]

[Compress taken]

[Gas taken]

[Blade-tooth taken]

[Magnetism taken]

[Decay taken]

[Super Regeneration taken x 15]

[Shock Absorption taken x 3]

[Strength Enhancer taken x 57]

[Speed Enhancer taken x 60]

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