Chapter 21 : End Of The Festival

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Izuku is in the nurses office as Recovery Girl berated him for dragging out the fight for so long. She did hit him with her cane but at this point it just hit him losing all momentum even when she was using all of her strength and cause a bit of strain as she now needed to hold up it's weight. Izuku arrives at the stands during Kirishima and Bakugou's match which boiled down to a battle of attrition. Momo asked Izuku a question.

"Midoriya, who do you think will win?"

"It depends, if Kirishima can keep his quirk up long enough then the match is his but if I know Bakugou he not one to back out of a fight."

The match continued with Bakugou launching explosions at Kirishima and it seems hardening can't keep up and Bakugou moves on. He looked up to the stands and angrily eyes Izuku down. Izuku turns around to go to his next match and finds that Iida is already gone.


The two stand across from each other on the stage.


Izuku nods.


"Then let the semi finals match begin!"

"Recipro Burst!"

Blue exhaust is emmited from Iida's calfs as he goes to kick Midoriya in the head. Midoriya blocks it easily as when the kick landed all the momentum the kick had was taken away as Iida is held by his raised leg. Midoriya punches to the side of his head missing intentionally. His fist flies past his head as a shockwave burst out from the front of it pushing the audience down into their seats and ruffling their hair and clothes. Midoriya let's go of Iida letting him steady himself.

"Iida do you wish to continue?"

"... I do."

"Then let the match continues."

Iida gets into position and rushes Midoriya with a flurry of kicks trying to find an angle to get a clean hit in. Each kick was blocked or dodged and finally he gets a clean hit to his ribs but that doesn't faze him.

"You seem to be forgetting something."


"My quirk."

Iida's eyes widen in realization and his punched in his side which shoots off an air blast on his other side which moved the clouds wowing the audience. He backs off coughing and nursing his wound, reassessing the situation. He had uncaringly allowed his opponent to become immune to his attacks. What could he do now? Well the thing that worked for Ibara. Push. So he ran at Midoriya with his hands out trying to push him out of bounds but he dodges at the last second leading to Iida running off the stage and tripping on to the grass.

"Tenya Iida is out of bounds. Izuku Midoriya moves onto the final!"

Izuku goes to help Iida up.

"Hey man you okay. I did hit you pretty hard."

"It's fine Midoriya just give me a second."

Iida walks to the nurse's office alone holding his stomach his walking becoming smother as he walked. Seeing that he is fine Izuku goes to the stands and sits to watch the next match.

It goes about as expected with someone empowered by darkness faces someone who can make light. The final round was upon them as for the final time they stand before the crowd to fight.

"Is everyone ready for our final match!?"

The crowd cheers in excitement.

"On one side, the one person who has faced impacts and attacks which would cripple many yet still stands up to the challenge. Our student representative, Izuku Midoriya!"

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