Chapter 47 : Shark Bait

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The man was leading Miruko and Invincible to where he usually meets his lender. His name was Tamagiri and he needed the money to pay off his inherited debt from his uncle and bills so he could continue working to pay it off but they changed the deal so he had no other choice. He got the money from Agatsugi Finance with an interest of 30%.

Miruko and Invincible were waiting on a rooftop for their shark to swim by. It turns out that was quite literal as a large man with a shark head walked right up to Tamagiri.

"Hey kid, you got the money?"


The man got out the small amount of cash he had gotten before trying to rob the cafe. The shark took a look at the money swiped it out of his hands and threw it angrily in his face.

"You really think that was enough?! The boss will have your head for this."


"We graciously let you borrow what you needed and you repay us like this!"

The shark raised his arm up and was about to punch down on Tamagiri but his arm was restrained by green bands and Miruko jumped down in between them facing the sharkman.

"Hold on fishy. I don't think extortion is exactly legal now is it."

The shark struggles against the bands trying to get free. Invincible flew down quickly but landed without a sound.

"I don't think Fishy has the brain capacity to answer. Now, where is your office?"

Compelled by confession he speaks saying that the main office of the loan sharks was nearby hidden as an Izakaya. Invincible moved the bands until the criminal's hands were in front of him and grabbed them.


The criminal stopped straining against the bands and went limp breathing softly. Pulling metal from the nearby trash he restrains the shark and secures him to the ground. Telling Tamagiri to stay put he and Miruko went to the Izakaya. Wanting to not disturb any of the civilians around Invincible asked Miruko if he could deal with this quietly.

"We could also just bust in there to take them in."

"Yeah sure but that would cause a lot of noise and alert any villain that we are in the area."

"I get not wanting to disturb the public but isn't alerting villains the whole reason we patrol?"

"If the villains know where we are then they can pass the information around and the villains far from us will be emboldened to act."

"Okay fair but how are you going to do this quietly? You don't look exactly casual. Do you have a quirk for it?"

Invincible slowly morphed into Akatani wearing a beat-up gakuran.

"Whistle~ So you can pretty much go anywhere."

"Yeah, it's how I infiltrated the Shie Hassaikai. They were using the little girl to make quirk-destroying drugs."

"Those bastards. Alright, then I'm going to stay outside to stop their reinforcements and prevent the criminals inside from escaping."

"Sound like a plan let's go."

Walking to the Izakaya Akatani activated quirk sight to look for a group of people hidden without an obvious way to get to them. Sitting at the bar was a gruff-looking man and the chef preparing a meal. Akatani sat tiredly at the bar and sighed.

"Hello customer what will you be having?"

"C-can I just get some water?"

"Sure... Here."

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