Chapter 23 : Corrupted Messages

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A few days pass with Midoriya accompanying Miruko on her patrols. She let him resolve some of the encounters they had, one of them a drug bust. It happened in an alley between gangs, it was discreet made in small amounts but the duffle bag of cash was a bit too conspicuous considering the contraband brought. Midoriya and Miruko dropped down on both sides of the alley to pin the criminals in. As they closed in the deal seemed to have soured as both sides were yelling about missing cash and product. Miruko got their attention first.

"So what do we have here?"

The two crooks look at the hero and decide to play it cool.

"Nothing ma'am just a little disagreement."

"Then why confront him here? Unless you wanted to do something."

"You just caught us at a bad time is all. We'll be out of your hair soon. You get the money and we're straight."

"Not until you get me my things."

"Alright, next week."

"Before I let you gentlemen go, I'm going to need you to tell me what is it that is being bought."

"Fuckin hero."

The villains arms turns into a large whiplike blade and slashes Miruko who dodges while the other criminal makes a break for it but turning around he is met with a fist knocking him out.

[Potency increased : Energy Reactor]

Midoriya goes to help Miruko but it seems she had it handled as the villain laid on the ground.

"Nice going Invincible. Let's see what these guys got."

Miruko opens the bag revealing injection cartridges she recognised as trigger. There were tens of them so they might have been planning something big.


"The quirk drug? Must have cost them a pretty penny for this much."

"Guess we're keeping an eye out for bit. Let's hope they don't get antsy without their trump card."

The drugs were taken to the station and they had to write a report on the villain and criminals they had captured.

"Invincible tonight were going to be patrolling in Hosu. Intel has it that the hero killer has been sighted in the area."


Stain was on a roof of a building looking over the city of Hosu. He sees the bustling street filled with the ignorant. People blind to the evils conducted in the shadows. Newer heroes were getting stronger especially that green haired kid. A quirk he could never defeat alone. He could only hope that he was one of the good ones. The others are to be seen if they are worthy of the title of hero. So far he has found only one which fits the bill. All Might the only true hero not motivated by fame nor by fortune but the lives of the people.

A murky sludge-like substance appears beside him. He backs away his blades ready to cut down whatever approaches him. From the sludge appears a white haired teenager with hands all over his body. As the sludge subsides the boy sighs in relief as he takes off the hand from his face.

"Hello Stain, I'm Tomura Shigaraki."

"What do you want from me?"

"I need your help."


Midoriya and Miruko were patrolling around Hosu when suddenly an explosion rang out as a raging flame can be seen in the middle of the city. The two of them nod to each other as they leap off to the scene. On the way a white Nomu with 4 eyes rushes at Midoriya trying to grab him. Midoriya gets to it first and gets a hold of it's neck.

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