Chapter 25 : I-Island

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The exam ended with the defeat of All Might. An unbelievable sight knowing of his legacy and recent power-up. When Midoriya arrived in the observation room he was hounded by the class congratulating him for his achievement. Praises and cheers were spread around the room and Bakugou stood looking at the frame of Midoriya's win. He looked completely unharmed smiling cuffing and tried but content-looking All Might. The image seared itself into his head.

'He beat All Might.'

'He did it easily.'

'He is better than-'

Bakugou shakes his head to erase that thought.

'No, he could never beat me I'm the best that this world will ever see from now till forever. I will be the best hero to ever live.'

His mind had doubled down on his dreams to be the best hero to ever be and nothing could stop him, not All Might, not Midoriya or anyone else.


A few days later, Midoriya was at home watching videos when All Might called him.

"Young Midoriya! I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

"No, not at all. Why did you call? Did you want to speak to Nana again?"

"... Maybe later but I'm calling to invite you to join me at the I-Expo on I-Island my treat."

"Of course, I would love to."

"Great, there are some people I would like to introduce you to that I think you will get excited for."

"I get to meet David Shield?!"

"Of course, he has been a long-time friend of mine and as you know created my hero costumes. I'll come pick you up tomorrow pack light we'll be there for two days."


All Might and Izuku had just landed on the island on All Might's private jet. They walked into a corridor with a treadmill and screens on the side. They were scanned and registered into the island's attendance list. They were walking out of the airport when an assistant recognised All Might which brought a crowd of fans and reporters trying to get close to All Might. All Might ever the Hero stayed to give everyone an autograph. When they got out they were in front of a fountain near some stairs.

"Sorry about that. I guess my fame precedes me."

"Do you have to deal with them all the time?"

"Part of the job my boy. You'll have to get used to this as your name gets out. We should be meeting my old friend now. He doesn't know about One for All so try not to mention it."

"He's your friend, right? Why doesn't he know?"

"I don't want to bring him into All for One's attention."

"All Might if he is as smart as I think he is, All for One already has an eye on him. He needs to know All Might. He is already in danger. He needs to prepare."

"Alright Midoriya, I'll tell him when I get the chance."

The sound of a pogo stick attracted their attention. Looking at the top of the stairs they see a blond-haired girl with glasses riding on a red and sleek-looking pogo stick. She gets down the stairs and jumps to hug All Might.

"Uncle Might!"

"Melissa, my you've grown since I last saw you."

"Any bigger and you won't be able to pick me up anymore."

They separate and Melissa turns to Midoriya.

"Oh nice to meet you, I'm Melissa Shield."

"I'm Izuku Midoriya, a hero student from UA. I'm in All Might's class."

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