Chapter 4 : Receding Tides

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Izuku after helping the kid up, he gave him a few words of encouragement and went home. Along the way he his mind was spinning with questions on what the pop up meant.

'physical adaptation limiter removed... Did he have a quirk? It might mean that there was a limit to the amount of adaptations I could get from others, a limit to the potency of the adaptation or a limit to the harm that can be negated.'

Izuku couldn't be sure as he hadn't hit a limit to any of those. For all he knew it was all three he wouldn't be able to tell.

'If the is one then I'll get to it eventually'

Years pass in relative normalcy. He had become the strongest person at his gym being able to pick up every weight in the building with relative ease though that's not saying much as all weights in the building add up to around 5 Tons. His trainers have told him to go to better equipped gyms to keep improving but he didn't want to as it was too far away from home and besides he's been coming by to encourage and help the newer members train. His time there had been quite fruitful.

[Potency Increase : +^ Photographic Reflexes]

[Potency Increase : ^Spacial Awareness]

[Potency Increase : +^Immense Muscle Density]

[Potency Increase : +^Immense Muscle growth]

[Potency Increase : +^Muscle Decay Immunity]

[Potency Increase : +^Immense Bone Density]

[Potency Increase : +^Immense Flexibility]

[Potency Increase : +^Immense Stamina Efficiency]

[Potency Increase : +^Immense Stamina Regeneration]

Some of the upperclassman have decide to test their mettle against the immovable wall of Aldera as the school calls him.


Izuku knew he was being followed so he lead them to a secluded area under a bridge. He stopped as he watched the group slowly and wearily surround him to prevent his escape. They stood just out of arms reach fully focused on their target, their white whale.

"Wow quite the entourage you've gathered for little ol' me. Before we begin if anyone was forced into this get outta here."

A few scared looking ones in the back turn tail and ran. This was not the first time they had attempted a group assault, though there are some people from other schools in the group this time. Izuku looked around with an almost bored look. With his arms out stretched.

"Alright, everyone knows the rules you all get a free hit in. Come on."

Without a word they rushed in. We've done this many times now though they've started incorporate raid boss tactics. At least their improving. Even with my adaptation and training my physic seems to grow at a normal rate for a child so I'm small enough that only 3 people can engage close range. Their plan was good.

'But not good enough'

After a few minutes it was over as they lay there with bruised bodies and dirtied clothes. They don't give me challenge me anymore, they don't even increase the potency of my adaptations.

Bakugou had joined in on a few of these brawls in the beginning both with and against me. He quickly stopped joining because he and I quote "Don't need those extras to kill you bait". I let him tire himself out, he's never truly been able to hurt me after the first time in Aldera Elementary though the adaptations I got from him were becoming very potent thought their names have yet to change like the others.

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