Chapter 23 - To the Hells

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Isadora rode her mare hard towards the fort. She regretted the decision she made a few days later. Her thighs hurt like never before. But, if she wanted to make it safe to the fort, she had to make fewer stops. She only did so to let her poor friend rest, which by now the steed was starting to look more tired. The princess really could not make any extra stops, bandits and horrible men made their fun with young women like her.

She held the dagger firmly while her mare grazed a few feet off. 

I really hope I don't get to use this, she thought. This may have been the stupidest thing I've ever done. I feel so naive. Wonder what the General will think of me; stupid like my brother? Or an emotionally driven idiot, like my father? There's no point now, I am too far gone. I gotta keep going, and trust NO ONE now. 

"Come on Hadassah," she motioned for the mare. The mare trotted over and hesitated when the princess motioned for the saddle. "I do not wish to be snatched barely getting out into the world."

She took hold of the reins and saddle horn, put a foot in the stirrups and hoisted herself up. "Ya!"


They rode to, what felt like half a week towards the fort. At one point she thought she felt the pressence of someone, but she quickly put it off to the fact that she hadn't slept in two days. On the third, she gave up and allowed herself to succumb to the tiredness that she had put off. Her mare looked no better than her. She realized that she was being neglectful towards her friend. The two-hour rests she gave her were surely insufficient. 

So, she veered off track a bit to lose the eerie presence she felt. After a few miles, she did not feel it anymore. While the sun began its descent signaling evening coming, she looked for somewhere to rest. Luckily, a little while earlier she had found an orchard filled with many fruits and so she helped herself. But, now the weight of the fruits were bothering her. The princess found a hill and decided to go around it, finding it created almost a cave looking rock formation. "The bushes and rock formation will help conceal us. But, we can't make the fire too big," she said finally getting off her steed. She took the reins and moved them towards the front, pulling her friend towards the rocks. 

"Here", she let go of the reins, entrusting her friend not to run off. "I am sorry I was being so uncareful of your health. We will rest here until I get up. Surely that should be enough rest for you. We still have a ways to go until we arrive at the fort." She started taking off the saddle off her friend and using the small brush she had packed in her bag. Also bending down to get two apples. 

"I know that has to feel good", Isa gave her steed the two apples, which the mare so happily took. She began working the brush down her friend's back, the mare shook her head as if finally shaking the days off.

Isadora finally found herself putting her cape down in a clearing that did not have too much debris and laid her head down. "I know you won't run off too far, but stay here. Eat as much as you can and rest. Tomorrow as soon as I open my eyes, we will head off." The mare looked at her as if to acknowledge her but quickly went back to graze.

She coaxed the fire a little bit more, the flame keeping its small burn just to make enough light to see her feet. Isa closed her eyes finally surrendering to the exhaustion. 


Penelope pulled dresses without thinking and put them in one of her trunks. Rowan, one of the twins, came in and found her with a pair of her shoes in hand.

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