Dash, slash, cut, bleed (7)

78 3 0

"Well, shall we continue?" Kai grinned as he looks at Noelle, who seemed to be realising the same thing as him.

"Yeah...yes we shall" She mumbled, almost sounding...happy? No, Kai must be imagining things.

After both parties are ready, another hour of training commences.



That is the only word to describe what Kai is feeling. After fighting Noelle eight hours a day for the last two hundred and eighty-seven hours, or just under twelve days, and with only three rest days throughout, pain is the only feeling in his body.

But with pain, comes learning, and with learning comes improvement, and with improvement comes... Noelle trying harder and still beating him effortlessly.

Sure there was a few times he landed a solid hit, one of them still showing on Noelle's right arm in the form of a faint bruise, but overall he was utterly dominated in every spar.

Groaning as he got up off the floor, Kai took a sip of his bottle and threw it to the side of the room. He stood up, stretched and got into position. The final hour was upon them...

Both of them knew this will be the final fight before they both reach level ten, and Kai knows this might be his only chance to win.

Who knows what could happen at level ten after all?

Getting into a stance he felt comfortable and semi-confident in, Kai took a deep breath as he tried to analyse Noelle's posture...but ultimately failed. The woman is an enigma, Kai cannot even begin to comprehend what the hell she was doing before The Flashing, which is what Kai named the bright lights he saw in the sky before he woke up here, to become so efficient at fighting.

The even worse feeling is that he knew that Noelle is holding back. He realised this after one of their fights where his hit was just about to connect with her jaw, only for her to do some move Kai had never seen before that ended with him ending up on the floor with a massive bruise, which is still on his chest from the hit she landed.

Kai knew he wouldn't stand a chance if he were to fight Noelle when she was going all out, but it still hurt his pride as a man!

...not that he actually had any, not getting injured was a much better idea than misguided pride.

Throughout all these spars, both Kai and Noelle have never used a skill or their innate ability. Well, Noelle might have without Kai realising, but it doesn't matter now... Because Kai was about to break that streak.

Time seemed to slow in Kai's eyes as he takes a deep breath. Only after exhaling did he activate his innate ability.

Will of the Kaiser

One of the perks of his innate ability allows him to borrow the powers of otherworldly creatures in exchange for Mana depending on the creatures power. And now, it was time to use it for the first time.

The only problem being Kai had absolutely no idea how to use the ability, all he did was activate it and pray for the best... And it worked, kind of.

Goblin mode activated

+4 Strength

+4 Dexterity

-11 Will

Lesser dagger proficiency -> Minor dagger proficiency

Grinning inwardly, Kai celebrated that it worked. His body felt stronger, his limbs more flexible, his mind more... huh?

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