Eye of the moon (23)

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"Now then" The man starts as he leans forward in his seat, his green eyes glint with a passion for something yet to be seen. He interlocks his fingers together as if trying to hold himself back from doing anything.

"Have you seen anyone in your dreams lately?"

Kai flinches slightly at the question, but thinks carefully about it.

If the wolf knows, he should definitely know... but why does he look angry? Is it a bad thing if I say I know The Ever-changing?

"Yes" Kai answers with a nod of his head, not adding more than that. As the man said before, that'll cost you another question.

Clearing his throat, Kai carefully thinks of what question to ask next. If he only has two more, and the man can lie for one of them, he should just ask ones where it would be easy to tell if ones lying, so he does just that.

"How come most people level up quicker and easier than me?"

A question which has been weighing on his mind for the last week. Both Sofia and Noelle had reached level 13 while he was still level 11, then there was Creepy and Beefcake with Creppy being level 15, even Umbra was level 12, and Kai was a higher level than her when he first contracted the moon wolf.

"Ah, you have that problem? It's to do with your class. Take this for example, each class can have multiple ways to level up. A blacksmith can level up my forging weapons and armour and also by killing monsters, or a mage can level up by creating new spells, mastering old ones, killing monsters, a much wider variety.

But some classes are more focused on giving XP in certain ways. A necromancer would get more XP for creating new minions rather than killing something, or how a cleric would gain more XP for healing someone rather than killing."

Frowning after hearing this, Kai looks at the fire as it crackles, the flames of the beautiful fire crackle as it looks back.

It seems I'm in a bit of trouble, did I get clickbaited by the stats? It can't be, I mean, I met The Ever-changing so they have to be pretty powerful, a powerful class wouldn't be bad at leveling up... or maybe it would, maybe 18 unnasigned stat was too good to be true...

"Now then, my turn again." The man grins as he rubs his hands together, any previous trace of anger or resentment now gone. Pondering for a few moments, or maybe its just an act, the man asks his second question.

"What is your class? Since you seem to not level up that quick, I'm sure you wouldn't mind sharing."

A bead of sweat forms on Kai's head. He internally debates wether he should lie about this answer or answer truthfully. On the one hand, lying would mean he would have to answer the last question truthfully, but if he tells the truth for this one the last question could just be an easy answer and it would be a waste to lie.

"I'm an apprentice." Is the answer he decides to give. Sure lying on this question might not be the wisest, but a feeling in his gut tells him to, the same feeling that told him to pick Apprentice of The Ever-changing.

"I see..." The man stroke his chin, silently thinking. He's probably aware that Kai chose to lie for that question, but he doesn't know for sure.

"Final question." Kai speaks up, but honestly, he doesn't know what he should ask. It's not that he doesn't have questions, it's that he has too many. After some deliberation, Kai decides on what to ask.

Everything he has seen so far today, a pack of well trained wolf scouts, a dome in a cave that can imitate the real sky, animals working together in harmony, a monstrously powerful wolf who is currently acting like a house pet, all of these originate from one person.

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