Crudeness is the way to a mans heart (99)

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Failure's expression couldn't help but darken after what he had just witnessed. That attack was unlike anything he had ever seen before, it just wasn't comprehendable.

There was just a long line of nothing that spanned as far as the eye could see. Dozens upon dozens of moon beasts and humans had been caught in the attack, but nothing remained. No corpses, no trees for Failure to take advantage of, just nothingness.

The full moon abomination axe shuddered as the red glow slowly disappeared from its head while a few flakes of flesh fell off its body. It seemed that the skill or whatever move it had just used was not one that could be used often.

But even though the attack had missed both Aldred and Failure, the only two threats in its path, the Demon had still achieved its goal.

Both Aldred and Failure were wary.

They didn't know how long it could take before the Demon could unleash an attack like that again. It could be minutes, hours, even seconds. An attack like that would certainly be able to heavily injure, if not kill, both Aldred and Failure.

"It is foolish for you to even attempt to fight me. The Lord's commands are final, anything you try is futile, your fate as already been decided."

Failure grinned darkly, a small hint of excitement evident in Kai's blue eyes.

"Fate? You're really going to talk about fate? Didn't your dear old god say that Princess Ethania's fate was to go with him? It seems like that fate didn't come true, did it?"

The aura around the Demon intensified as it raised the double headed axe once more.

"He has plenty of women by his side at all time, what use is one who managed to get away only to become a corpse?"

Failure's grin was quickly wiped off his face.

"A corpse that is still haunting your fucking ugly ass considering that the god you follow like a puppy still hasn't sent his little moon beam to reclaim you."

The Demon froze for a split second at Failure's crude words. It seemed that while Kai had also learned some thing from being around Failure, the same could be said about the charismatic man in return.

Even though he knew it was kind of messed up, Kai was enjoying the show as he watched along through his eyes. He even kind of wished he had some popcorn as it would perfectly fit the situation.

Failure's attitude was just perfect. Everything he was saying was just incredible. Every one liner sounded like it was straight out an action movie.

The thing is though, the winners in action movies are meant to be the good guys, but it wasn't looking so good for Failure and Aldred. But what could Kai do? He was just a spectator in his own body after all. Then again, it's not like he had to do anything for now anyway.

Growing sick of the conversation that was growing even more volatile than it already was, the Demon gripped the hilt of its weapon as it jumped at Failure.

Failure simply closed his eyes and sighed, slowly turning his body to the left, he knew how the Demon was going to attack after all.

Every root in the ground was a tell, they felt every vibration that occurred in the forest. From the soft steps of people walking to the sound of dead bodies hitting the floor, roots could feel all.

Even the slightest tremor could not escape Failure's senses, especially when combined with Tree Sense. It was basically a way of seeing a few milliseconds into the future. Failure could sense movements slightly before they even happened.

So when the Demon lunged to try and cut off the charismatic spirit's arm, Failure was already dodging.

As soon as he knew that the Demon's attack would miss him, Failure gritter his teeth and swung his wooden sword upwards with all his might.

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