Soul Spotting (50)

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The moon birds were chirping, the calm artificial wind cooling down the sweating Kai. Combined with the heat from the artificial sun, Kai could have almost considered himself to be on holiday.

If not for the looming threat of war, that is.

Once under the shade of one of the trees of The Dome, Kai sat down and entered the meditation position. With one solemn promise that he never trash-talk meditation again if this worked, Kai closed his eyes and tried to find his soul.

Focusing on the image of the silver orb which The Ever-changing showed him, Kai scoured every inch of his body for anything remotely similar to that.

Seconds passed, seconds which turned into minutes. The boredom was nearly killing Kai but he pushed through, he persevered in the hopes of reaching a breakthrough.

It didn't work.

Giving up, Kai silently cursed meditation once as he got up.

Why doesn't it work? Even The Ever-changing said it would work. Is there something wrong with my soul?

The idea that the problem could be his own soul stuck with Kai, an idea to test that theory popping into his head.

Making his way back towards the centre of The Dome, Kai looks around the vast open area for a test subject.

Perfect timing, actually...

Walking through the centre of The Dome was a man with broad shoulders, short, jet-black hair and a gray bodysuit which struggled to contain his muscles.

Not really caring what John was up to, Kai activated Soul Sight and tried to see the burly man's soul.

Kai's eyes flickered with something, something that he couldn't see due to it being in the depths of his own pupil.

The bodysuit which was stuck to John so tightly seemed to peel away, followed by his skin, then his muscles. All that was left after what was only a split second was a silhouette of a burly man.

Luckily, the silhouette was not the only thing Kai could see. In the middle of the dark outline was an orb, much smaller than the one The Ever-changing had shown him.

While the soul Kai was first shown was an illuminant silver, John's was a dark green. The colour reminded Kai of a forest, one that would never be cut down.

Ahaha, it worked!

The fact that Kai could see the dense, green ball meant that it was, in fact, Kai's soul that was the problem.

But why though? Hmm... Maybe since the skill is Soul Sight I have to actually be able to see what I'm looking for... If only I had a mirror.

Leaving John to himself, Kai wandered around under the artificial sunlight once more while looking for his second test subject.

This one was just as easy to stumble upon.

A tall, red-haired woman with a purple bodysuit and the figure to draw the eye of any man. Kai knew better than to try though.

Sofia walked over towards one of the trees of the little meadow in the corner of The Dome, plucking out the arrows which she must have just fired. Each arrow embedded about an inch into the bark.

Jeez... what's her strength stat to give her shots enough power to do that?

The bark of the trees were much thicker and sturdier when compared to standard Earth trees, so just the fact she could get them in that deep was shocking.

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