White room pt 2 (109)

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Kai woke up to the feeling of light trying to invade his eyelids.

Squinting, he pushed himself off the soft floor and opened his eyes, spotting what had woken him up.

Above him was a few bright, white lights. The roof was padded and completetly white, much like the white room he had spent at least two months in.

Actually, it was very similar to the white room.


Kai turned his head around and examined the area. A single mattress, a completely white room and lights that were way too bright for a human to sleep with.

It was definitely the white room.

Kai panicked.

For starters, he was alive, which was not something he expected. The last thing he remembered was that he was in a terrible state, one that he shouldn't have been able to recover from.

Like, his soul was cracking and he was missing an arm, but now, Kai had two perfectly good arms on his body. Still, his chest was stinging a bit...

Kai froze.

"No way, it definitely wasn't a dream. How could I have dreamed all that up? It's impossible!"

Just as he was about to panic even more, Kai got another notification that helped to calm down.

Congratulations on completing your tutorial!

Due to the fact that your tutorial had to end early, you must wait the remaining 4 days and 23 hours until all the tutorials are over before you can claim your reward.

You may use this time to rest, go over your status, or catch up on some you time.

Kai sighed in relief as he flopped back onto the mattress that he had only gotten to use once previously.

Even though it was only a mattress and not even a pillow, it was heavenly. Kai had been using a tree root as a pillow and grass as a mattress after all, anything was better than that.

It seemed that he had been asleep for around two days, considering that timer is a continuation of the time he would have had remaining if Failure didn't destroy the world.

But then a thought slipped into Kai's mind.

Wait... Since Failure was actually the Mother Tree and controlled the whole forest... Does that mean since I was sleeping on that tree I was technically sleeping with Failure?

Kai remained silent in thought as he gazed up at the bright lights that he hated, then just chuckled and rolled over on his slightly comfy mattress.

He was alive. He had no idea how, but he had ended up surviving that whole ordeal. Everyone had, Kai had watched everyone leave, meaning his efforts had paid off.

Well, his and Failure's, but Kai was still just gobsmacked at the fact he was actually alive.

However, the feeling of the mattress helped to bring him back to reality.

Ahh, a mattress, the last time I slept this good was when-

Kai's eyes widened as he quickly sprang up off the bed. Almost instantly, Kai had basically flipped himself over to be face to face with his shadow, which was near non existent considering nearly every single inch of the white room was lit up by the blinding lights.

There was one extremely pressing matter, one that he had temporarily forgotten in favour of savouring the comfy mattress.

Since he was out of the forest, did he still have Umbra with him?

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