Contracts and apprenticeships (8)

76 2 1

Level 10 reached

Obtained 6 unnasigned stat points

Skill selection unlocked

Class selection unlocked

The grin stayed on Kai's face as he read the text floating before his eyes. Deciding what to do first, it's a hard choice... he decided to pick his skill first as maybe it would influence his class.

Due to the PTSD from the last skill choice, Kai said five prayers to each god he knew and opened the skill selection.

Congratulations on reaching level 10

Skill selection unlocked

Please select one of the four following skills

Kai's grin grew even larger as he read one of four skills instead of one of three. Having a better chance to get a good skill is always a nice bonus.

Hesitating slightly, Kai took a deep breath to calm himself, then opened the information for the first of the four skills.

Earth spike (Common): Spend 10 mana to summon a spike from the earth to impale targets. Can increase the size of the spike by spending more mana.

Kai paused and read the skill again, and again... and again. After making sure he is seeing right, he smiled.

That... that skill isn't actually that bad. Just imagining the situations you could use it in is already looking good, and being able to spend more mana to make it bigger means it won't just be a beginner skill and could potentially grow with me...

Smiling, Kai looked down at the second skill, not knowing what to think.

Identify (Uncommon): A direct upgrade to the Lesser Identify skill. Allows the user to view the level of anyone below their level or up to 10 levels above their own depending on their luck stat. Costs 15 mana per use.

Kai frowned slightly as he read the description of this one. An upgrade to a skill he already has is kind of interesting, but if it can be upgraded like this... couldn't he just upgrade it himself eventually?

And the upgrade just kind of sucks, an extra 5 mana to view an extra 5 levels higher if you get lucky... doesn't really seem worth it.

After deciding he definitely won't pick this option, Kai held his breath as he examined at the third option.

Illusionary dagger (Uncommon): Allows the user to create a semi corporeal dagger to attack with. The daggers strength is based on the users Will stat. Summoning time of the dagger is one second. Costs 5 mana per minute

Hmm... actually not that bad. Kai admitted as he looked over the description. Both this and earth spike are skills that would have a lot of utility when used right, and both would be extremely useful. A dagger you would have permanently? Sounds pretty useful.

But there was still one final skill to go, and if Kai was to go off his previous skill selection, the final offer was the best of the lot... even if the lot was utter garbage.

Feeling excited yet slightly nervous, Kai opened the final choice, knowing that even if it sucks he either had Earth spike or Illusionary dagger to fall back on.

Contract of Artemis (Rare): Allows the user to create a contract with a non humanoid creature within 15 levels of them. Any XP the creature earns, so will the master. The contracted creature will have an added bonus of 10% of each of the masters stats.

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