Starless night (13)

61 3 0

But his unease was only further amplified when the used the skill on the creepy parter of the blond, who was still watching from the sidelines.

Level: 15 Is it even possible to reach that level this quickly? Did Noelle and I miss something?

Panicking as he watched the man with the greatsword get closer and closer, Kai tried to think of a way out, any way out... but failed.

I could use Will of the Kaiser and use the otherwordly creature part of it again, but I don't even remember anything I did last time, what if I end up attacking Noelle or something? Umbra is still hiding but now doesn't feel like a good time to make her attack... Noelle is still recovering after that hit, what's that dudes strength?

Looking through all his stats, skills, abilities and even at his dagger for anything he can use to stop the hulking beast of a man, Kai can only think of one thing... and it was going to pain his soul to do...

Innate ability: Will of the Kaiser- Impose your will onto other sentient beings below your level or up to 5 levels above you depending on your luck stat. No one should be able to disobey your commands, not even your enemies.

49 unnasigned stat points available

Command received

Luck: 12 -> 61

Almost in tears from nearly a months hard work gone down the drain, Kai regretfully put all his unnasigned stat points into luck and said a prayer. Only after finishing his extremely short and to the point prayer, cutting it short that is, he looked towards the blond and said:

"Kill yourself!"

It took a lot for Kai just to say those words, he was technically about to kill a man after all. All he could do is hope that he won't have any nightmares or trauma after this.

Sadly, one can only have nightmares about killing someone if they actually kill someone.

The blond froze, and just as Kai thought that his plan worked, the man chuckled and asked:

"Now why would I do that, me and your partner over there still got some business to attend to." The man then licks his lips, causing Kai to cringe as a shiver runs up his spine.

Shit, all my stat points... wait... maybe the command matters too, it would be a bit too strong to just go around telling people to kill themselves... right?

Please be right.

After deciding to try something different, Kai activated Will of the Kaiser again, but this time said:

"Drop your weapon"

The blond started to laugh again, only he stopped when he heard a clang off of a rock on the ground. Looking down at where the noise came from, he saw... his greatsword?

"What.... what did you do?" He grunted, getting agitated.

"Seems like you got some skills yourself you scrawny son of a-" Before the man can say anymore, Noelle is on top of him... though not in the way he would have liked.

Noelle stabbed her scimitar into the bulky man's stomach, and unlike last time, blood starts to come out instead of the black smoke.

Kai noticed the creepy guy frown, not wanting to give him the chance to pull off anything, Kai opens up his telepathic link with Umbra, ordering "Umbra, attack now"

Umbra, like the good girl she is, launched herself out of the surrounding shadows, catching Mr Creepy unaware.

The terrifying wolf latched its jaws onto Creepy's arm, which promptly got mangled much more than Kai expected, and he grins once he realises why.

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