Skydiving (32)

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But the feeling in his gut wouldn't dissapear no matter how hard he tried to deny it, so Kai knew what he was going to do for the next few hours.

Practice his innate ability.

Quickly walking away from the cave, to his right towards a dense area of forestry. The amount of space inside the Dome was honestly mind-blowing, and if you were including all the forest outside the Dome... Kai had no idea how big it really was.

The canopy of the forest absorbs Kai, the boy dissapearing into the mass of trees. As he continues to go deeper into the forest, Kai admires the sight of light peeking into the tree tops, something he would never see outside the Dome.

What will happen after this tutorial? This stage seems way too important and well done to just be a middle stage. This has to be the last stage... please be the last stage.

At this point, Kai was slowly losing it, even Nonchalance can't help lessen the stress and fear of slowly forgetting what your parents look like, what a starry sky looks like. It all adds up on the mental duress building up in his mind, he feels as if he could break down anyway, but Nonchalance helps keep him grounded constantly. If he didn't have the skill...

I don't know... I miss my parents, my friends... I miss my bed, and normal foods. If this really is the final stage of the tutorial, the first thing I'm going to do is eat a bowl of pasta carbonara, then go to sleep for a week.

Everything is hard, and it's going to get even worse in the coming weeks. Four armed demons, abominations, the possibility of his teammates dying...

No, not teammates... friends.

He didn't want to admit it, but he was attached to the people he's met so far. Umbra, Sofia, Failure, Aldred... even Noelle, that damn woman. Even though she always beat and made fun of Kai, she was always there for him and still helped him.

The only reason he didn't want to admit it is because he doesn't know if they feel the same about him, for all he knows, they could only see him as a means to an end, or a meat shield in an upcoming fight.

Failure is some all-knowing guy with an extremely powerful wolf as his friend... comrade? Sofia was an undercover cop so she would have to be used to changing her personality to fit in. He knows Umbra would never betray him, his furry friend was the per- being he could trust the most in this hellhole.

Noelle... he really doesn't know what to think about her. On the one hand, she always acted cold and distant towards him, never letting him get too close. On the other hand, Sofia said she went through a lot that caused her to change, she also said Noelle still has some of that trauma welled up inside her. If Kai had to think if she would betray him or not...

She wouldn't, and neither would Sofia, they aren't those kind of people... I hope. Same with Failure and Aldred, they wouldn't even have a reason to do anything to me.

Kai finally decided to stop walking, he was far enough into the much smaller forest so that no one would be near. Sighing, he sits down on the ground and leans back against the tree, said tree being a much lighter shade when compared to the gargantuan trees outside the Dome.

Opening his status, he scrolls down to Will of the Kaiser and reads the description again.

Innate ability: Will of the Kaiser- Impose your will onto other sentient beings below your level or up to 5 levels above you depending on your luck stat. No one should be able to disobey your commands, not even your enemies.

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