Strength (84)

12 0 0

The process of fusing with Umbra was one that Kai was fairly familiar with by now.

He would grow a few feet, gain a lot of weight in muscle, gain increased senses and a bucket load of stats.

It was a nice feeling, all that strength and he was the one who had it. It was something to be proud of, after all, it meant all of his efforts had not been in vain.

Yet, he would much rather just be in bed asleep. After all, he was in the middle a war.

Once the fusion process was over, Kai snarled and started dashing at a portion of defensive wall where it seemed that the moon beasts were the weakest.

And while he did that, he finally spent all of his remaining unnasigned stat points.

Over the last week, since he reached the breakthrough in statshifting, Kai spent all his free time swapping his useless stats into Strength.

Well, maybe not useless, just he did not know the actual use of them.

All of his Luck, well, nearly all. He found out the hard way that he couldn't go below the amount of Luck that he had when he first unlocked his status, meaning he still had twelve Luck. Trying to go below that resulted in a lot of pain and nearly drowning under the waterfall again.

Kai even swapped some of his Mana into Strength. He now had ninety-eight stats in Mana, equalling nine hundred and eighty Mana. A problem would be that this amount was not enough to activate the upgraded fusion with Umbra. Luckily, because of the two percent bonus offered by his Soul Core, he still technically had one thousand Mana, meaning he could still get the boon of the much higher stats and the skill he had gone through all this work for.

Another factor was that when Kai first unlocked the upgraded fusion, he summoned Life Eater after he had activated Indomitable, meaning he only got the base plus seven Strength offered by the blade.

But one thing that he discovered was that if he summoned the hideous weapon before he used the skill, he would get plus fourteen Strength.

Every little stat counted, and Kai had done the maths.

He had done way, way too much maths actually. But it would all be worth it in the end, because now, now he was going to get to display true Strength and get some revenge on the damn abominations that once threatened to end his life.

All those stats shifted gave him a base Strength stat of seventy-two. Kai then summoned Life Eater, bringing it up to seventy-seven. Then, he chucked his remaining eighty-five unnasigned stat points into Strength, bringing the total up to one hundred and sixty-four.

That already was an incredible number to reach. In fact, Kai might have the highest Strength stat out of all the people in this tutorial, he was maybe the only one who got eighteen unnasigned stat points per level up after all.

And that was excluding that he had a epic class, majority of the others probably had a common or uncommon class, a few maybe having rare or epic ones. Kai had yet to even catch a trace of someone with a legendary class.

Actually, maybe Creepy did. The weird looking guy that Kai first met and put Noelle under some sort of spell. That cloud that disoriented and masked everything seemed a little OP.

But Kai was not one to complain about OP, as the cherry on the cake for his Strength stat came from one little OP skill he unlocked whenever he was fused.

Grinning as he continued his charge, Kai activated Indomitable.

Instantly, Kai felt his whole body change. His dash faltered slightly when his Dexterity got halved, but he quickly caught himself and continued running.

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