How people (or wolves) change (27)

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'Dear diary

Today I met a God

And he was a right twit, I mean, gosh. He comes up to me acting all benevolent, saying I have the esteemed opportunity to become one of his mistresses. Do I look like I want to be a mistress? I'm not some easy whore he can smile at and get in his bed. He can go fuck himself for all I care. Eye of the moon, what sort of stupid name is that? You wouldn't catch me ever calling myself 'Ethenia of the ground' or something, that's just stupid, silly and downright embarrassing. Anyways, Father calls for me now, something a party in my honor for doing such a good job with the kingdom...'

The page ends there, and so does all of Kai's coherent thoughts. Looking down at the mess of jumbled up pages again, he pauses and lightly pinches himself, just in case.

How are these pages still intact after this long, then again they are barely holding on... But this is the Ethania that Failure was on about, this is her diary, it has to be. But didn't he describe her as kind and caring, but she seems rather crude in reality, and wasn't she meant to be a princess? Who on Eart- this forest would teach a princess that language?

The dirty and decrepit pages in the hollow are definitely Princess Ethania's diary, excitement starts to build up in Kai's abomination blood covered chest as he now has the opportunity to do one of his goals here.

Find out what the fuck everything is.

Looking back down at the makeshift diary, he reaches out to turn over to the next page and-

"What do you have there, Catalyst?"

Kai freezes, slowly turning his head and seeing the familiar sight of a humongous gray wolf. Aldred has the same black, gooey liquid all over his jaw, the black blood creating a fearsome sight when combined with the darkness shrouding the wolf, a primordial being come to claim the lives of any who wronged it in the past.

"Oh... uh... I just found some pages on the ground, there all blank and stuff though."

The wolf grunts in response, not caring anymore about what Kai has. Aldred has much more to worry about than old sheets of paper after all.

He doesn't care... paper must be common around the forest or something.

"Just dump them and go, we have something to deal with in the Dome."

Kai flinches and puts the dairy under his arm, but he still starts following the moon wolf as he trots, tail swinging back and forth.

"Uh... I'll keep them, I really like drawing... you know?" He lies, then pales, completely forgetting one crucial thing about the moon beast...

Aldred can sniff out lies.

The wolf's nose twitches and he turns his head, his eyes narrowing as he does. Speaking in a low tone he asks

"Why lie, Catalyst? What's really on those pages?"

Swallowing, Kai feels a bead of sweat form on his forehead as he tries to think of a way out. Anyone, anything, just something that can get him out of this situation.

"Just some diary entries, I was just curious what they said. They're not-"

He was about to say nothing special, but catches himself after realising that would be a lie. Biting the inside of his cheek in thought, he slowly continues stringing together his excuse.

"- really anything nice, the language is all rude and barbaric, the person who wrote it must've had a hidden personality."

The wolf studies Kai, peering into his eyes as if he's trying to discern his true thoughts. Aldred yellow eyes seem to try and suck him in, as if trying to devour his soul.

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