Perspectives (41)

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"Who the hell does he think he is, calling me a bitch?"

Noelle stormed off towards one of the smaller forests of the Dome, her face red and angry. Sofia followed close behind her.

"Noelle, he probably didn't mean it, he's been a little weird the last few days, and you did hit him first."

Sofia tried to calm Noelle down, her view of the whole ordeal in a much wider perspective than Noelle's since she was watching from the side.

Noelle snaps her head around and glares at the pale redhead, exhaling heavily.

"No, you saw the way he looked at me, he's just like all those other men. Stuck up, whiny and a fucking idiot."

Sofia tried to think of anything she could say to calm down the raging Noelle, but nothing came to mind. The situation was just too delicate to use some half-arsed reasoning. With no idea why Kai was so upset and winded up earlier, she's left with no other choice than to side with Noelle.

"Noelle, just calm down and look at the whole thing differently. Kai obviously sees you as a friend, otherwise he wouldn't have bothered trying to stop you from going on a literal suicide mission."

Noelle hesitated slightly, but only for a moment, she waves her right hand frantically and exclaims:

"You think that's his choice? I was the one going, I don't need some 'man' to protect me from every little thing. I am going to kill Rashik just like I did my uncle if it's the last thing I do, and if Kai tries to stop me he can join them."

Sofia winced.

"Noelle... not every man is like your uncle or Rashik, think about Gabriel, didn't he show you that?"

"Don't you dare use his name!"

Noelle screamed, tears threatening to spill out of her deep, blue eyes. She curls her fingers into her palm, feeling her nails sink into her skin.

"Don't you forget you're part of the reason he's dead! You have no right to imagine Kai as him, Kai will never be him! No one will! As soon as I kill that bastard I'll finish what I failed to do in the white room."

Sofia flinched.

"Noelle, just calm down and think, we all know what happened last time you brashly made a choice and executed it."

Noelle's eyes narrow, the deep blue orbs radiating danger.

"What do you mean by that?"

Sofia sighs and tenderly touches her temple, closing her eyes as she takes a deep breath. She had to be very careful with how she communicated what she was about to say, otherwise, it would just make Noelle's mood even worse.

"You're uncle was never going to use Gabriel as bait-"

"You're lying!" Noelle snaps. "Yes he was, that bastard was going to use Gabriel, he is a selfish bastard who ruined my life!"

"No! Noelle, I can't believe someone like you can be so naive, you'd think being placed in a cell by yourself would improve your mental clarity, not make you blind.

If you kept secretly listening in until the end of the meeting instead of running off in a panic, you would know that your uncle said no to the plan, Rashik is the one who proposed it in the first place. Hell, the only reason Rashik was second in command was because he had control over the men, your uncle hated Rashik."

Noelle's face pales slightly, but she grits her teeth and continues her attack.

"Then why lock me in a cell? I was alone for years! Do you know what that did to me?"

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