Chosen weapon (85)

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Across the battlefield from where the main fighting was taking place, there was two beings engaged in a ferocious clash.

One was an extremely tall four armed Demon wielding three different weapons, the other a wolf that was slightly shorter yet was still not giving the Demon any openings in the brutal clash.

Whenever the Demon swung, Aldred would dodge under and swipe at its exposed chest, but the Demon would respond by blocking the attack with one of its other weapons.

Whenever Aldred tried to initiate an attack, the Demon would always try and peirce the gray wolf's hide with its rapier, but Aldred was always able to dodge at the perfect moment.

It was a terrible stalemate, neither could land a decisive blow on the other. They were the perfect match for each other, like yin and yang. Neither could win, yet neither could lose.

But with every failed attack, the aftermath of their battle affected the areas around them.

Craters appeared in the ground, shockwaves were sent far and wide, knocking over beasts, abominations and humans alike.

Aldred growled. He did not like the current situation, not one bit. Even though his and the Demon's fight was completely even, the same could not be said for the beasts and humans who rallied behind him.

The army of beasts were slowly losing. They were already lacking in numbers to begin with, but now, Aldred realised how much they had underestimated the number of abominations there actually were.

There was just too many of them. With every fallen beast or human, five or six abominations took their place. Even though crescent moon abominations were extremely weak, bottom of the barrel with their stats, useless skills and tentacles that could be ripped off by even a toddler, their numbers were just too big.

As Failure once said, a few quarter moon beasts would be able to kill a gibbous moon abominations. But it was the same the other way around, a few crescent moon abominations would be able to kill a quarter moon beasts.

Realistically, it would be dozens of abominations needed to kill a quarter moon beast, but there had to be a lot more than a dozen out their, slaughtering anything that moved without discrimination.

Even though Kai was doing an incredible job holding back a large majority of them, he was only one person. One strong person maybe, but one person's strength was not enough.

After all, no god rose to the top by themself. Everyone had to have some kind of help at some point. After all, if they didn't, they would either be dead or...

Trapped in an elaborate prison they could never escape from.

But all that didn't matter to Aldred, all that mattered was killing the foul abomination before it could kill him.

"You've grown weak."

Aldred ignored The Demon's taunts. He had long put up with them after all. Anything that abomination had said, Aldred had heard at some point before.

How many times had they fought by now? Aldred couldn't remember. It was the worst when he was younger, The Demon was constantly out for him.

Ambushes, assassinations, anything and everything that could end Aldred's life. The Demon knew that if Aldred got the chance to grow up, he would pose a massive threat.

Luckily, Failure found him and protected the young wolf. At the time, Failure was much stronger, but now...

Aldred sighed and dodged another one of The Demon's attacks.

"I have not grown weak. If anything, it is you that got weaker."

Aldred grinned as he dodged to the side and took a step, rising a few inches into the air. This was all that was needed to dodge The Demon's second attack. Aldred then aimed a swipe for the full moon abominations neck.

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