Wow! An info dump! (28)

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"Huh... you really did kill one."

Kai smiled proudly, a smug expression sitting on his face as he watched Failure's confusion.

Worth it.

Aldred lifted his furry head off the floor, opening his weary eyes and asking in his signature gruff tone;

"Catalyst, how could it be that you could kill one? You areo only only level, what?"

A shiver runs up Kai's spine, indicating the full moon wolf used Identify on him.

I'm never going to get used to that cold feeling...

"Thirteen, how could you have possibly have killed an abomination, and a gibbous moon one at that?"

"I haven't a clue." Kai answers proudly, lifting his chin up in a gloating manner. "I used my innate ability, lost my mind, then when I came to, I was lying on the ground covered in abomination guts with the Poisoned status effect. I vomited, look to my side and see a massive hole in the abominations chest. I don't really want to imagine how I did it but... I probably know."

Aldred let's out a satisfied chuckle but Failure continues to frown, looking at Kai as if he's a monster.

"Still... you shouldn't be able to do that, no one should. If Noelle was in your situation she would one hundred per cent be dead, no doubt about it."

Kai's proud smile falters, is this praise or an is it an investigation?

"It's not... that special I'd say, I'm sure Noelle would at least be able to get away..."

Now that he thinks back, he truly realises how precarious the situation he was in was. The humanoid abomination was constantly catching up to him all the while it was probably still full of energy, Kai on the other hand only had a last resort, that resort being his innate ability.

The even bigger fact being that this abomination had actual weapons, he could've lost his head if the abomination landed one good hit on him. Kai had no idea how he had managed to kill it, all he knew is that he must've eaten some of it due to being Poisoned.

At this point I'm starting to think people were underestimating Goblins in the games.

And what if he got a otherwordly creature other than hobgoblin, he still doesn't know what the other possible options are. For all he knows he could've gotten a succubus or something, and he doesn't even want to imagine how that interaction would've gone down...

"I can't say for sure about Noelle, but you got extremely lucky. Kai, you have to make sure if you ever face an enemy too strong for you, you run, run and don't look back. Then, you bide your time, gather strength and get revenge when they are at their weakest. That is how you get stronger."

Frowning slightly, Kai confused by Failure's words, it's almost as if failure is speaking from experience...

"Isn't that too slow though?" Kai asks as he looks away from the fire and towards Failure, leaving Aldred to bath by the heat, his gray coat brimming with power as it shines with the fireplaces reflection.

"It's better to be slow than dead." Failure responds quickly, shaking his head. "It's always better that way."

Silence fill the dimly lit room, Kai not knowing what to say and since Failure is finished talking, Aldred speaks up.

"Now then, Co- Failure, we have a problem in the Dome."

Kai catches the wolf's error as soon as it exits his snout.

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