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Cassidy's POV:

Before I was even born my Mom had already knew that I would have a best friend for the rest of my life. You would think that it would be my older sister, but you're wrong. My mom and her lifelong best friend Laura had planned for their children to be best friends ever since they found out they were both pregnant. Jackson was born first, two months before me. We were together all the time because our families lived in Connecticut. We spent all of our holidays together, and had planned family vacations in the summer. Jackson and I even had all the same classes during school, but at one point it got to be too much. We had an argument in middle school, and didn't talk for a week. I'd be lying if I said it didn't bother little Cassidy to not talk to her best friend for that long. Jackson must've had the same problem. I went to walk over to his house, and we met each other on the sidewalk. We made up thankfully, and haven't had another fight since. 

Things started to change when we got to high school. The weird puberty things happened, and I could tell that both my body, and Jackson's were changing. Then the feeling things happened where I started to like a few boys in our grade. I began going on dates, but didn't tell Jackson because I thought it would be weird. He went on dates with girls too, and didn't tell me about them. At the beginning of Junior year, things got even weirder. I started to develop feelings for Jackson, but pushed them down because he was my best friend. I talked to my sister about it, and she said Jackson was probably feeling the same way. Eventually, I told him how I felt, and he said he felt the same. We started dating at the end of Junior year, up until the end of the summer before College. Jackson and I both played baseball and softball. I also ran track, so our schedules got a little crazy Senior year. We were both working, playing sports, and trying to spend time together. On top of that, we were both trying to get noticed by any College recruiters coming to our games or meets. We made it work, and we were both happy. 

That was until about a week before College move in day for the both of us. Jackson got accepted to University of Hartford, and I got accepted to the University of Alabama. We talked a little about long distance, and I was under the impression that we would make it work. One summer night though, my sister Bailey went to leave our house to hangout with her friends. When she opened the door, she found a box on our porch with a note for me. She brought the box in, and watched me open the note. I got nervous as I realized it was Jackson's handwriting, and I was crying by the time I finished reading what he wrote. I opened the box to find some of the things I gave him, or left at his house. He was basically breaking up with me, but without an explanation as to why. I tried to call and text him, but got no response. I even went over to his house, but nobody was home. I later found out that after he brought the box over, he left for College. I guess he had the option of moving in early or something. I probably could've driven up to the College to find him and talk to him, but I couldn't push myself to do it. All I remember from that night was bawling in my room while Bailey stayed with me. The next day I stopped feeling sorry for myself, and began to focus on College. Bailey and I hid from our parents what happened until I moved into my dorm. I knew they'd freak out, and want to call Jackson's parents, but I asked them to just leave it be. 

My College career had then begun. I started at the University of Alabama, playing my sports and obtained a degree in Athletic Training. After I graduated, I moved back to Connecticut for a bit before accepting an internship for the Charleston Dirty Birds. I moved to West Virginia, and haven't looked back since.

That is the Prologue for my next story! I hope everyone will enjoy it. The first official chapter will be posted on TUESDAY JANUARY 30TH AT 8PM EST. 

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