Chapter 8

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Olivia's POV:

I don't remember leaving the bar, but I woke up and was in my bed. Kennedy must've taken care of me last night. I rolled over in my bed, and grabbed my phone. It was a little past 10, and I started scrolling through my socials. Kennedy then busted into my room about 20 minutes later. "Good morning! I made us some breakfast! You're going to want to come out and eat before it gets cold." I couldn't help but laugh as I watched her smile, and then leave my room. I stretched in my bed for another minute or two before getting up, and heading towards the dining room. Kennedy was already at the table, and started to eat. I sat across from her, and picked up the cup of coffee she made me. I took a sip, and then began eating my eggs. "Someone is in a really good mood this morning. It couldn't be due to who she was hanging out with last night while we were out could it?" I glanced up from my plate to Kennedy. Her face was already starting to get red. She sat quietly, still looking at her food. I waited a few minutes before continuing. "C'mon K, you know I can tell when you like someone." Kennedy let out a giggle before looking up at me. "You got me. I had a nice night out last night with DR. We talked, danced, and just had a really good time. Things are totally going in the right direction for us. I wonder if he's going to ask me on a date anytime soon." I watched as Kennedy continued to eat as I had an idea. "I can talk to his friends about you if you want. I know you aren't around the guys a lot, but I'm always on the field with them. I wouldn't mind asking them what he's thinking about you and stuff." Kennedy hesitated like she was thinking about my offer. "I don't know Cass. Who would you talk too? The last thing I want is for you to talk to a bunch of the guys about it. I'm not a huge fan of everyone knowing my business." "I won't talk to all of the guys. Did he mention any of his friends on the team last night while you guys were talking?" 

Kennedy was done with her breakfast now, but stayed at the table sipping on her coffee. "He mentioned being close with Ryan and Jackson. I don't want to have to put you in that situation of talking to Jackson if you don't want too. Did anything happen last night by the way? I saw him and Ryan talking at one point, and he seemed annoyed." I rolled my eyes, but answered Kennedy's first statement. "I can talk to Ryan about DR. I'll see what he says, and then tell you everything." I finished my breakfast now, and went to put my plate in the sink. I could feel Kennedy looking at me while my back was towards her. I turned around, and met her eyes. "What?" She rolled her eyes now. "Don't what me. I asked you a question that you completely avoided." I groaned and went to sit back down in the dining room. "I might've made Jackson mad or something last night by dancing with Noah. It doesn't matter. It's not like we're dating or anything. I can do what I want, and so can he. I can't help it if he gets mad from me having fun, and living my life." I looked up at Kennedy, and could tell she wasn't happy about my response. "I agree with you saying you can do what you want, but did you do that because you knew it would make him mad? I thought you told me that you two agreed to be friends. If that's the case, then friends don't do petty things like that to each other." I rolled my eyes again now, hating that I secretly knew Kennedy was right. "I'm not saying go back to how things were before, and be best friends again. However, if you agreed to be friends then maybe you should start acting like it. I don't think it would kill you to be a little nice to Jackson. If you don't, then someone's going to start questioning things, and then your secret is out. I'm sure you don't want to deal with all that drama." Once again, I hated how right Kennedy was sounding right now. "Fine, fine. I'll be a little nicer to Jackson." I paused for a second. "That still doesn't change what he did." Kennedy got up out of her chair, and walked over to me. She wrapped her arms around mine. "I know it doesn't Cass, but I think it'll help." We stayed like that for a few minutes before I went to my room. I needed some time to relax and think about what Kennedy and I just talked about. 

I was still in my room as I heard Kennedy knocking on my door. I told her she could come in, and she seemed to be excited. "What's going on?" I asked as she stood in my doorway. "It's a really hot day, so I thought we could go to the beach or something. Savanah mentioned a nice beach that her and some of the guys go to all the time. I didn't know if that's something you'd want to do or not. It's been awhile since I've been to the beach, so I could go for a beach day." "Yeah, that sounds like a lot of fun. We should invite Savanah given that she invited us out last night." Kennedy squealed, and turned around to leave my room. "Okay, I'll text her right now. I'm going to start getting ready. We can leave here in a little. I closed my door as Kennedy walked away. I went over to my dresser, and tried to decide which swimsuit I wanted to wear. I went with a pink bikini, and picked out a tank top and shorts to wear over it. I then went to the bathroom, and did my morning routine. I put my hair in a braid so I didn't have to worry about it getting tangled from the water. I started packing my bag for the day as Kennedy came back into my room. "I texted Savanah. She said she'll meet us at the beach. I'm ready whenever you are." I nodded as I threw a few more things into my beach bag, and walked over to grab my flip flops. 

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