Chapter 10

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Cassidy's POV:

The weekend came and went, and it's now Monday again. The games this weekend were good, and both the Party Animals and the Bananas won a game. Kennedy and I were headed to the field after we stopped at Dunkin so we could get some caffeine in our systems. We bought some munchkin donuts for the players and staff too as a little treat. I can't resist Dunkin's Donuts either, so I didn't mind getting them. 

We got to the field, and took the donuts down to the locker rooms. We decided to put them in the Bananas locker room since it would be easier to have them in there than anywhere else around the stadium. Kennedy sent a message out to everyone as some of the Bananas started coming in. I went to take my things down to the Trainers office, but remembered I forgot mine and Frances' drinks up in the locker room. I unpacked my things first, and then made my way back to the locker room. When I walked in I saw Kennedy standing over by DR's locker talking to him. I smiled, and then made my way over to the table where I left my drinks by the donuts. Over at the table was Bill, Noah, Ryan, and Jackson. As I was walking over, I heard Noah questioning why the donuts were in three separate boxes. I went to respond as I got closer to the table, but Jackson had already beaten me to it for some reason. "Cassidy doesn't like it when all the donuts are together because it makes them taste weird." All the guys at the table were giving Jackson the same confused look that I was giving him right now. I snapped out of it, and continued over to the table now that I knew that I had to do damage control. "Yeah I hate when they all touch. It definitely makes them taste different too. Jackson must've remembered that from the game last weekend when Donny got the donut batter out, so you guys were throwing the donuts to the fans." The guys still looked confused, but I quickly looked over at Jackson, and gave him a look. He somehow understood what I was saying, and went to agree with me. "Oh yeah, I was throwing some donuts to the fans, and then we started talking about the munchkins. That's when you mentioned how you didn't like when they were all together." The guys didn't say anything, but nodded their heads like they understood. They all took some donuts, and then went to sit at their lockers. 

I grabbed the drinks, and went to leave the locker room. I hated lying to the guys, but Jackson wasn't thinking when he brought that random thing up about me. It's like he's trying to have the guys find out that we actually do know each other better than we said. I was a little agitated with Jackson, but was also surprised that he remembered that one thing about me and the donuts. It made me think back to elementary school. Every Friday our moms would alternate who would take us to school that day. Every other day of the week we rode the bus, but not on Friday's. Those were our special days to celebrate the end of the week. For our celebration, Jackson and I always begged to go to Dunkin to get the munchkins. I only liked the glazed ones, but Jackson liked the blueberry. The first time we got them the workers put all the donuts in the same box. When my mom gave them to us on our way to school, I noticed mine tasted like blueberries, so I didn't want to eat them anymore. You would probably think I was being a spoiled little kid, but I hated the taste of blueberries. Jackson noticed me not eating my glazed donuts, and next Friday he asked his mom if she could ask the workers to put our donuts in a separate bag. He never specified why, but I knew it was because of me. Every Friday following that Jackson would ask about the separate bags until our moms knew the drill so he didn't have to ask them anymore. Jackson doing that gesture for me when we were younger must've stuck with him, and helped him remember that specific thing about me. I still remember specific things about him too, but I don't go around blurting it out around his friends so they start questioning things. 

I was still thinking about everything with Jackson when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped, and turned around to see Kennedy. "Sorry I scared you. I was yelling your name. Did you not hear me?" I shook my head no. "I didn't hear you. Sorry, I was thinking about some stuff." "Was it about what happened a few minutes ago in the locker room? I sort of heard the conversation. What was that all about?" I glanced past Kennedy, and then behind me to make sure nobody was around. "Jackson was telling the guys something that he remembered about me from when we were younger. I had to play it off like I had told him about it so nobody got suspicion. I think I covered it well enough that nobody should start asking questions. That's the last thing that we need." Kennedy waited for a minute, and then responded. "I think it's sweet that he still remembers things about you from when you were younger. If I'm being honest Cassidy I think he still does care about you. Have you ever thought about that?" "No since we agreed on being friends, and that's how things are going to stay. I don't want to have my heart broken again Kennedy, especially by the same guy who did it the first time. It was a mistake, and I'm sure Jackson didn't mean to say it anyways. I'm done worrying about it. I have to get down to the offices so I can start work for the day. Frances said we have a lot to pack for our games in Tulsa this weekend, and the equipment truck is leaving Wednesday. I'll talk to you at lunch." I turned away from Kennedy, and began to make my way down to the offices again. 

All Too Well- A Jackson Olson/Savannah Banana's Love StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ