Chapter 22

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Jackson's POV:

Ryan and I were driving to DR's house so we could pick him up for practice. It was the beginning of the week, and we had games Thursday through Saturday. I had my head rested against the car window as Ryan drove down the street. "Are you thinking about what happened on Saturday with Cass?" He asked. I kept my head on the window, and nodded. "Yeah. I'm glad we finally talked about everything, but I didn't like how we left things." Ryan pulled into DR's driveway, and honked the horn before responding. "Jackie, you have to take the good with the bad. You two talked, and both of you expressed your feelings. Cassidy didn't say that she hated you or anything. From what you told me, it's the opposite. She just needs some time to figure things out. Everything will work out the way it's supposed to." DR had gotten in the car without me realizing. "Wait, you talked to Cassidy about everything? When did that happen?" DR asked as he leaned forward to put his head in between mine and Ryan's seats. I started to explain what happened on Saturday as Ryan was now driving us to the stadium.

"I agree with Ryan. At least you both talked, so now you know how Cassidy feels. Give her some time to think, and I'm sure she'll come around. I know one thing for sure, she's going to rip Bill apart when she sees him." DR said as Ryan started to laugh. We pulled into the parking lot of the stadium, and got our things out of the car. "Oh I know. If she's still as mad as she was Saturday night then Bill better watch out. I need to talk to him too, and tell him to back off a little bit from "helping" me out. I don't need another situation like Saturday to happen again." The guys agreed with my idea, and we started walking into the stadium. We went down to the locker rooms, and I noticed Bill wasn't here yet. This was unusual for him as he's usually one of the first ones here. I stayed in the locker room because I knew he would be coming down here eventually. I just hoped I would get a chance to talk to him before Cassidy did.

Cassidy's POV:

Kennedy pulled into a parking spot at the stadium, and we both got out to get our things. "Try to go a little easy on Bill today Cass. I don't agree with what he did, but you don't want the guys to think you're a crazy person." Kennedy said as she grabbed her backpack. "I honestly don't care what the guys think of me. I can't promise I'll go easy on Bill either." I heard Kennedy sigh as we started walking towards the stadium. We went our separate ways, and I headed towards the locker room instead of my usual route of going down to the Trainers offices. I entered the locker room after making sure the guys knew I was coming in. There were a few players here already, but not the one I was looking for. "He's not here Cass. I was already looking for him." I heard Jackson say as I turned towards him. I wasn't sure what to say, and felt awkward because this is the first time we talked since Saturday. "Okay, thanks." Was all I said before I left the locker room. I was walking through the stadium as I heard someone whistling. The sound was getting closer to me as Bill rounded the corner. I picked up my pace, and rushed over to him. "Hey Cass, what's up?" He asked, but I put my finger up to his face. I could feel myself starting to get angry again. "No. Don't what's up Cass me. What's wrong with you? Why did you feel the need to get involved in my business? You had no right to do what you did." Bill looked at me with wide eyes, and seemed surprised to see me acting this way. He took a step back from me, and put up his hands. "I'm really sorry Cassidy. I know what I did was dumb, and I shouldn't have gotten involved in your business with Jackson. I wasn't thinking when I did everything, and I'm genuinely sorry. I wanted to help you two sort out your differences, and hopefully get you two back together." I was still angry, and felt my hands begin to clenched into fists. I wasn't going to hit Bill or anything, but I was angry enough to do it if I really wanted. "You didn't help, like at all. If anything, you made this all worse now." I sighed, and walked over to one of the benches. Bill hesitated, but followed me over. "What do you mean Cass? Did you guys not talk or something?" My hands were unclenched now, and I was rubbing them together. "No, we did talk, but that's the problem. I'm basically in between a rock and a hard place when it comes to Jackson. My head says one thing, and my heart says another. That's what I told him on Saturday. I told him I need time to think about things, and he has no problem doing that. I am mad that you meddled in my business, but I guess the actual person I'm mad at is myself for not being able to figure things out with Jackson. I just don't know what to do Bill." I pulled my head down, and was looking at my shoes now. I stayed like that as Bill reached over, and put his hand on my back. "Everything will work out the way it's supposed to Cassidy. I'm always here if you need to talk about it, and I promise I won't tell Jackson anything." I sat up now, and gave Bill a hug. "Thanks Bill, I appreciate that. I am still a little mad at you for Saturday, but I'll get over it." Bill let out a laugh as he stood up from the bench. "That's fine Cass. I really am sorry about doing all of that. We should probably get going so we can get started on our work." I stood up from the bench now and let out a laugh knowing that Bill's work was hitting baseballs, and hanging out with the guys all day.

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