Chapter 4

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Cassidy's POV:

I skipped out on my run this morning, so I could get up early to get ready. I checked on Kennedy, who was still sleeping. I went back to my room to shower and get the day started. I finished getting ready, and came to check on Kennedy again. This time she was up, and scrolling on her phone. "Hey, how are you feeling?" I asked as I walked over to sit on her bed. She sat up, and put her phone down. "I feel fine. I don't remember much from last night. I hope I wasn't a pain or anything to get home. Thanks for taking care of me last night." I laughed as I turned to her. "So you don't remember dancing with the same guy the whole night? It looked like you both were having a good time. You weren't a pain either, only so hard headed that you didn't want to drink any water, but I still made you anyway." This made Kennedy laugh as she sat up some more. "Oh no, I remember dancing with DR. Not only is he attractive, but he's also a very good dancer. I don't think we exchanged numbers or anything though."She picked up her phone, and scrolled to check her contacts. She looked at me, and shook her head no. "Well it's not like you're never going to see him again or anything." Kennedy smiled and started to blush a little. "Okay, you need to get ready so we can go meet with Jesse and Emily. They told me they're leaving the hotel in the afternoon, but I don't know how long our meeting will be." Kennedy groaned, and slowly got out of bed. She walked into her bathroom, and I left to head for the kitchen. I started to make some breakfast, so it would be done when Kennedy came out.

We made our way to the hotel, and met Jesse and Emily in the lobby. They were there with some of the Bananas, and came over when they saw us. "Hi girls!" Emily said as she hugged us both. We greeted her back, and then said hello to Jesse while shaking his hand. We followed them to a small conference room, and started talking about our next steps. It was a lot to process, and I could feel my anxiety rising. They talked to us about our roles in the organization, how the games and practices are run, how we have to act "Fans First" always, and how traveling days go. There were a lot of other things that we talked about too, but I honestly couldn't remember everything. The meeting ended, and I was about as nervous as I was excited. We all walked out of the meeting room, and saw some of the guys staring at us. "You might want to go and introduce yourselves to the guys. I know they're going to be asking me about you two once you leave anyway." Jesse said as he let out a laugh. Kennedy and I looked at each other, and shrugged our shoulders. We walked over, and I noticed Bill was sitting around some of the guys. I sat in the empty seat beside him. "Hey Bill, what's up?" Him and the other guys looked at me, and Bill put an arm around my shoulder. "Hey Cassidy, nothing really is up. The guys and I got up for some breakfast. Now we're sitting here hanging out. Did you have your meeting with Jesse and Emily? If so, how did it go?" I was curious as to how he knew about the meeting. I didn't see him in the lobby before, and I never told him about having to meet with them. "Yeah we did. I don't remember telling you about meeting with them. How did you know about that?" I glanced over at Bill, and he started acting like he was caught. "Word travels fast in this organization Cassidy. Plus I might've put a good word in for you to Jesse and Emily." I had a feeling Bill played some part with me getting offered a job. "I knew you had something to do with this. Thanks for mentioning me to them."

Bill smiled, and proceeded to say something until one of the guys across the table from him coughed like he wanted to get Bill's attention. This worked, and Bill turned his head towards the guys. "Oh yeah, how rude of me to not introduce the guys. Cassidy, this is Dalton, Ryan, Donny, and Tanner." Bill said as he motioned towards each of them. I smiled, and started to respond. "It's nice to meet you guys. I'm Cassidy, or Cass for short. I'm going to be working with Frances as the newest Athletic Trainer." I motioned over to Kennedy, who I thought was beside me. When I noticed she wasn't there, I looked around the lobby to find her standing and talking to DR. I smiled and turned back to the guys. "They seem to be hitting it off." Ryan said when I turned back to them. The other guys agreed, and I couldn't help but laugh. I continued talking to the guys, so we could get to know each other a little better. More players were coming to the lobby, and it seemed like they would be leaving soon. I said goodbye to all the guys at the table, and told them I'd see them soon. I began to walk over to Kennedy, and saw Jackson walking towards me. I couldn't turn around or walk away because it would've been even worse then simply staying to talk to him. I took a deep breath. I really didn't want to talk to him, but I guess this is what we're doing.

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