Chapter 7

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Cassidy's POV:

Kennedy and I slept in the next morning, and woke up around 11. We decided to go explore downtown Savannah since it was the weekend. We got ready, and headed to one of the local coffee shops. We sat down at a table, and started drinking our coffee. I hadn't had a chance yet to talk to Kennedy about how the past two days have been for her, so I figured now would be a good time. "How have things been for you work wise? We've been so busy I haven't had a chance to ask." Kennedy took a sip of her coffee, and then set it down on the table. "Everything's been good. Most of the things I do I get to work with Savanah on. A lot of it is stuff I already know how to do from doing it for the Dirty Birds. It's a little crazy when we have games. Sometimes we have to edit, and post certain videos on the social media pages right after the games. Some of the videos get posted to the instagram stories during the game too. We didn't do that for the Dirty Birds, so that's something new." I nodded as Kennedy took another sip of her coffee. "I get it, the Dirty Birds didn't post as much as the Bananas and Party Animals do. I feel like now that I follow their accounts on social media, they post a bunch of content all of the time." Kennedy laughed. "That's sort of my job now Cass. We post so much to get the Bananas organization out there for people to see. Plus, this helps us keep our followers entertained." I started laughing now. "I know that Kennedy, that's not what I meant. I'm glad you're happy with your new job. It seems like you're getting to express your creativity more with the Bananas than you ever had with the Dirty Birds." Kennedy smiled, and then her expression changed as she looked at her coffee cup. "Have you started missing working for the Dirty Birds yet?" I couldn't tell if she was joking or not. "Absolutely not. I don't miss working under Kevin, or having to deal with Mallory. I will say that I do miss Zach and some of the other staff. Do you miss working for them?" I'm hoping Kennedy wasn't thinking she was making a mistake taking a job with the Bananas. I don't think she was, but that made me wonder why she was asking this question. "I only miss working for them a little bit. I mostly miss Zach and some of the staff too." This gave me an idea. "Why don't we call Zach and see what he's been up too?" Kennedy's eyes lit up, and she pulled out her phone. 

We decided to sit at one of the tables outside now so we didn't bother anyone inside. The call had been picked up after a few rings. We couldn't see anyone for a second, and then Zach's face appeared on the screen. "Hi Zach!" Kennedy and I both said as we saw him. He started to laugh, and then greeted us back. "Hi girls, how have things been in Savannah?" "Exhausting. We had our first two games the last two days. We're having a lot of fun, but we miss you." Zach laughed as Kennedy finished. "Noah told me before it's a lot once you first start. I have no doubts that you two will be fine. How have things been for you Cass?" Kennedy handed the phone to me so I could hold it now to talk to Zach. "Things have been good so far. I'm being treated a lot better than I was with the Dirty Birds. Frances is amazing to work with, and I'm learning so much from her." I went to wait for Zach's response, but Kennedy came onto the screen. "Don't forget to tell him about you basically getting asked out on our first day." I looked at her, and hit her arm causing her to yell at me. I looked back at the screen, and saw Zach's face. "Noah tried to ask me out the first day. We made a bet, and I won so now I don't have to go out with him." Zach didn't seem to be phased by this. "I'm not surprised. He tried asking me about you when they were here in West Virginia. I wouldn't tell him anything considering I knew you wouldn't date him anyways. I remember you saying before that you won't date baseball players. That's funny that he still tried to get you to go out with him. How did you win the bet?" "He wanted me to race him. I knew he was fast from watching him play against you guys, but I was hoping I could beat him. I ended up winning, so now I don't have to go out with him. I wouldn't mind being friends with him or anything." Zach started to laugh. "Yeah that sounds like Noah. He knows he's really fast, so he tries to get things by running. You have no idea how many times he made me race him when we were younger. I'm glad you're both liking it there. We do miss you here, but we understand you're doing bigger and better things. I have to go, but it was nice catching up with you girls. We'll have to Facetime each other again soon." We said our goodbyes to Zach, and I hit Kennedy again on the arm. "Ow! Stop hitting me Cass!" "You didn't have to tell Zach about his brother basically hitting on me." Kennedy started to laugh now. "I know, but it was funny. At least I didn't tell him about the whole Jackson situation." I rolled my eyes, and then looked at her. "Yeah, I guess you're right. We aren't telling anyone about that sh*t show."

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