Chapter 2

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Cassidy's POV:

It was already Friday, and everyone was at the field. Today was the day that we found out who would be replacing Steve, and I couldn't be more nervous. It was also the day that the Savannah Bananas would be playing us, so we were waiting for their arrival. I was down in the Athletic Trainers offices making sure we would have everything we needed for the games today. I was filling up one of the bags when I heard Mallory come into the room. "Oh hi Cassidy." I rolled my eyes, and continued what I was doing. "What do you want Mallory?" She scoffed and laughed as she walked over towards me. "I don't know what you mean. All I did was say hi. I came down here to see if you needed help with anything." I turned around to face her with my arms crossed. "We both know that's a lie. What do you actually want?" Mallory laughed again as she got closer to me. I turned back towards the bag and continued to put the items in it. Mallory was standing behind me now, and she started to whisper in my ear. "There's no point trying anymore. Kevin already told me Steve's position is mine. Looks like you're only ever going to be a sad little assistant." I knew I couldn't let her get to me, so I tried my best to stand my ground. For all I know, she could be lying. At least that's what I hoped for. I could hear Mallory walking away now, but I took this chance to respond back to her. I turned around to see her almost walk out of the office door. "You know what Mallory? At least I don't have to use my body as a way to move up the ladder." I watched as Mallory spun around, and came walking back over towards me. She got close enough to me, and looked me up and down. "You're not worth any of my energy. Why don't you get back to work as an assistant." She then walked out of the room. I didn't feel like wasting anymore time on her, and I knew I had to get these bags packed before our team meeting. That was taking place when the Bananas got here, which was in about 10 minutes. I quickly finished packing the bags, and went out to the field. 

When I got on the field, I searched for Zach and Kennedy. All three of us are extremely close with each other, so I figured those two would be together. I went over to them, and Kennedy could tell something was wrong. "Hey, something on your mind?" She asked when I got close. I shook my head. "Mallory was trying to get in my head about the announcement later. She told me that Kevin said she got Steve's position. I'm hoping that's not the case because if that happens then she'll technically be my boss." I felt both Zach and Kennedy put a hand on my shoulder. "Everything will work out Cass, don't let Mallory get in your head." Kennedy said as Zach interrupted her. "Looks like the Bananas are here." He said as he motioned over to the dugout that they were coming out of. I watched as each of them came out. All of them were sporting a different kind of "Savannah Banana" shirt. At one point, Zach pointed at one of the guys, and said that was his brother Noah. "Wow your brother is-" I started, but Kennedy finished. "So hot. All of them are." Zach and I both looked at her and laughed. Her face started to get red, but it was still funny. "Omg Kennedy that's not what I was going to say. I was going to say something along the lines of him being built." Zach and I started laughing again, and Kennedy started hitting me. "Saying that basically is saying he's hot. Leave me alone." She made a pouty face, and then started laughing along with us. 

After we all stopped laughing, we continued to watch the players come out of the dugout. The last two players came out. When I saw the one, my mind went completely blank. I honestly thought I was seeing things, so I carefully rubbed my eyes. I'm hoping my mind is playing games with me, but I don't think it is. I haven't seen, or thought about him in a while. I wasn't exactly sure it was him until one of his teammates yelled his name. I heard the one guy with blue hair yell "Jackson" and that was all the confirmation I needed. The only thought going through my head was "You have got to be f*cking kidding me." Now I not only have to worry about getting this promotion, but also seeing and trying to avoid my ex-boyfriend/ ex-best friend. Zach had gone over to see Noah, which left me and Kennedy. I felt her nudge my arm, and ask if I was okay. I slowly turned my head and looked at her. She could tell from the look on my face that something was wrong. 

All Too Well- A Jackson Olson/Savannah Banana's Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now