Chapter 16

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Cassidy's POV:

Kennedy and I arrived at the stadium this morning, and both walked down to the Trainers offices. We went into the office that Frances was in, and I immediately started to tear up. Frances stood up, and extended her arms to us. "Come here girls." She said as Kennedy and I walked over to her. She wrapped her arms around us the best she could, and we stayed that way for a minute. I let go first, and wiped my eyes. "Okay, I have to stop myself or I'll be crying this whole day. Here Frances, Kennedy and I got some things for you and the baby." I held out the bag of items, and gave them to Frances. She took the bag, and waddled back over to where she was sitting before. Kennedy and I followed her so we could watch her open the gifts. She went through the things we got for the baby which was some clothes and toys. Then she opened the card for her gift. She had a huge smile on her face as she read the card, and started tearing up. "Girls, you know you didn't have to get me or the baby anything." Kennedy and I both looked at each other and smiled. "We know Frances, but we wanted too. You know we're going to spoil your baby, so why not start now." This made Frances start to laugh as she turned back to us. "Thank you girls so much. I don't know how to thank you." "You're welcome Frances. It's the least we could do for everything you've done for us since we first met. Especially me. Without you, I would've still been working for the Dirty Birds. You can thank us by bringing the baby around when you two feel up for it. We would love to see you and the baby in a few weeks once you both taken some time to get adjusted." Frances was still smiling now, and stood up from her chair. Kennedy and I walked back over towards her, and she wrapped us both up again. "I can't wait to bring the baby here. You two will be the first to hold it when I bring it." Kennedy and I laughed as Frances started to have tears come down her face. "Okay, I have to stop or the hormones will keep me crying all day. Let's start getting to work for the game tonight Cassidy." Frances said as she turned to grab the list off the counter. I agreed, and told Kennedy goodbye before getting to work with Frances.

As much as I didn't want it too, the day flew by. Frances and I were watching the game that had just gone into showdowns. I watched as the Party Animals had Reece up to bat, and he ended up striking out. It was now the Bananas turn to bat, and Jackson walked up to the plate. Drew was pitching for the Animals, and Chase was their infielder. Jackson somehow managed to turn the showdown into an extremely stressful situation by having the count run full. The next pitch he swung at, and began to run around the bases. The throw from Drew didn't make it in time to Joe as Jackson had already slid into home. All the guys ran over to Jackson as Frances and I were cheering. Frances and I took all of our equipment down to the offices when the excitement from the win died down. I sat in one of the chairs in the office after we were done cleaning everything up from the game. Frances noticed, and sat in the chair across from me. "I don't want to leave because I know when I do you won't be here with me on Monday." I said as I felt the tears forming in my eyes. Frances smiled and reached over to put her hand on mine. "I know Cass, I don't want to leave either but I have too. You need to be able to work through doing this on your own. I gave you all the experience and advice you need. You know exactly what you're doing, so I know you'll be fine. I'm only a phone call away too, and you know that. I have no doubts in your ability, and know you'll be able to accomplish everything without me. Just don't overfill the ice tubs like you did on your first day and you'll be fine." Frances started laughing and I did the same once I thought back to my first day with her. I was a nervous wreck, and somehow managed to forget I had the water running for the ice baths that they guys were going to be taking. I thought Frances was going to be mad, but she ended up laughing so hard she peed. She tried to blame it on the baby sitting on her bladder, but I didn't accept that excuse. Frances still had her hand on mine, but now she started patting it. I looked up at her and smiled. "I know you don't want to do this, but let's get our things so you can walk me out." I felt a few tears come down my cheeks, but I wiped them with my hand as I stood up to gather my things.

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