Chapter 18

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Cassidy's POV:

"Cass wait." Kennedy said as she ran towards the door. "K it's alright, I can go by myself." I told her as I continued to walk out the door. "I know you can Cass, but I'm worried that you're still mad about everything that happened. Jackson probably is too, and Bill or the coaches might be talking to him. I don't think talking to him right now is a good idea." I thought about it for a second, but continued walking. "I need to talk to him now before he decides to get into another fight with someone." Kennedy didn't say anything now, but I heard her let out a sigh as I rounded the corner and headed towards the field. 

I stepped out of the Party Animals dugout, and saw Ryan and Jackson sitting in the Bananas dugout talking. I walked over to them, and Jackson stood up as he saw me. "Cassidy, are you okay? I'm so sorry you got hurt. I didn't realize you were in the middle of the fight or else I would've stopped." Jackson went to continue, but I stopped him. "Enough. Yes I'm fine, my nose finally stopped bleeding. That fight should've never happened. What started it anyway?" Jackson's eyes darted from me to Ryan. I think he was implying that we shouldn't talk about it with Ryan still here. "He's fine. It's not like he doesn't know everything anyways." I said as I looked at Ryan who had a surprised look on his face. He seemed to be pretending to not be paying attention to what was happening, but I knew he was. "She's right Jackie. Just tell her what happened." He said as he turned to Jackson. "The guys were talking about their nights on Saturday. I got mad because I knew Noah left you by yourself at the bar, and something could've happened to you if me or one of the other guys didn't find you. I let my anger get the best of me, and I started fighting with Noah. I know I shouldn't have done that now, but I couldn't control myself." Jackson's eyes darted to the ground now as he squeezed his hands together. "The last thing I remember from Saturday was sitting at a table with Noah. I didn't know he left me by myself, and he shouldn't have done that if I was as drunk as everyone said I was. I can understand why you got mad Jackson, but that doesn't give you a right to fight Noah about it. Now we don't know what's going to happen because of the fight. You could possibly get kicked out of the organization, and I know you don't want that. I can help myself. I don't need you protecting me like you did when we were kids." I let my anger get the best of me now, and didn't think before I spoke. Jackson's head shot up to look at me as he stood up and walked over towards me. "You didn't seem to have a problem with me protecting, and taking care of you Saturday night." I opened my mouth to respond, but then stopped myself. I looked past Jackson to Ryan who had his mouth wide open. I quickly looked back at Jackson. "I'm done with this conversation." I walked past Jackson and headed into the dugout. I had to walk through the locker room to get to the Trainers offices, and I saw Bill talking to Noah in the locker room. I figured he would be talking to Jackson next, but I didn't care. I was fuming after talking to him myself, and I knew it was best if Jackson and I had some time to cool off from everything that was going on. At this point I wasn't sure if I wanted to talk to him again the rest of the day. 

I was in the offices trying to do things to keep my mind off of everything. I still had to talk to Kennedy and tell her what happened but she was in a meeting so I couldn't. I was filling up one of the ice baths when I heard my phone ding. I walked over to the main office where I had it and saw I had a text from Frances. I opened my messages to see a picture of her baby girl Amelia. She must've known I needed something to bring up my mood today. Frances had her baby at the beginning of last week, so it was nice to see a picture of little Amelia today. I texted her back responding to the picture and asked her how she and the baby were doing. She said they were both doing good, and that Amelia just went down for a nap. She then asked me how things were at work, and I jokingly asked her if she had time for me to explain everything. The next thing I knew my phone was ringing with a call from Frances. I answered it, and we started talking about everything that has been going on. I finished up with the events of today, and how I came down to the offices after talking to Jackson. "I don't think you should've talked to Jackson while you both were still mad about everything that happened. It seems like you were both angry still, and that didn't help the conversation you had with each other. I can understand why you're upset with him, but you have to see it from his side of the story too. I'm not agreeing with the fact that he got into a fight with Noah, but he was obviously mad about you being left alone at the bar. It shows that he cares about you and wants to make sure you're safe. I think you should continue working as long as you're sure your nose is okay. I would avoid Jackson for the rest of the day until it's time for everyone to leave. Then I would go and talk to him again since you'll both probably be calmed down from this morning. Plus I'm sure Gillum and Viro are going to want to talk to him. There's no doubt in my mind that they won't give him some sort of consequence for fighting with Noah this morning. He might be mad about that, but like I said just talk to him at the end of the day to clear things up between you two. I think it would be good for both of you." I sat and thought about what Frances had said. "You're right. I probably should try to talk to Jackson again at the end of the day once we both had time to calm down from this morning." I went to say more, but I heard Amelia starting to cry in the background. "I'm sorry Cassidy but I have to go see what Amelia needs. If you need anything you can text me." "Okay Frances, thanks for the advice. I'll keep you updated if anything else happens." Frances said goodbye, and hung up the phone. 

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